SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 20:36hs.
Pros and cons of legalization at BgC

Brazilian Deputy proposes plebiscite for gaming approval in 2018 elections

Ana Maria Tahan led a panel about the benefits of legalization, with the participation of federal MP Magda Mofatto, from Goiás and former mayor of Caldas Novas, and federal representatives Herculano Passos and Roberto de Lucena, who is contrary to the activity and was decisive in defending the holding of a plebiscite in 2018 so that the population decide whether or not to regulate gaming.

Magda Mofatto told the audience that gaming needs urgent regulation and that's why "I have been working for more than 20 years for the legalization of casinos, because the benefits are immense, especially for the generation of jobs and a lot of tax collection. There are many places where the casino will complement leisure in regions with few entertainment options."

Herculano Passos was questioned by the mediator about the taxation of bingos, when he pointed out that those who are going to regulate are municipal and federal governments and that it can not be charged much for not inhibiting the investment. "We have to go after the recipe and not go too thirsty for the pot so investors do not lose interest in the country."

Deputy Roberto de Lucena, who heads in the Federal Chamber of Representatives the resistance to the approval of the law under discussion, says that "we are talking about a 1991 project, that is with 26 years in discussion. Although it has been a subject for so long, it was not, when the discussions resumed, debated with society. The debate in Congress takes place in an environment of political crisis and economic fragility. Therefore, talking about rising jobs and taxes needs to be better discussed. I suggest that in the elections of the next year a plesbicito is created so that the population votes whether or not the legalization of gaming." According to de Lucena, the social costs should be pointed out as well and not just the profits. "The society will have at its disposal the complete data so that it can decide whether or not it wants gaming". According to the deputy, only after this decision is that the National Congress should initiate the debates by legislation suitable for the gaming industry.

On the other hand, Magda Mofatto said she believes in the social plus that can bring the activity, na not the negative impact, as she understood Lucena's position. "The construction industry itself will generate thousands of jobs when building the casinos. Only then can you see the positive social impact."

Herculano Passos was also against the postponement because "the social area in the country needs to be helped with resources, and legalized gambling will provide such resources. We can not wait and let illegal gambling continue to thrive while society needs to raise money."

Even with the opposition of his colleagues, Lucena said he does not repudiate the sector or debate about the issue, but does not believe in raising revenue. "No one will come to Brazil to play, and what will be collected will not be enough to cover possible tax incentives to be given to investors. In addition, the increase in crime in the regions will burden the state with a social cost to be treated and understood by society to show whether or not it agrees with sector regulation. If society approves, I will also put myself in favor," he said. Despite the commitment, he commented that "I will vote against it if it is put in plenary before the plebiscite and I am sure that by the current moment of the country, the bill will not be approved."

Passos presented the position of both presidents of the House and the Senate that Congress will take the bills under discussion to a vote. "Today I do not believe that there is a possibility of starting a plebiscite because parliamentarians are already inclined to vote. And it seems to us that this vote will be broadly favorable to the regulation of the gaming industry," he said, noting that the debate has already been made and that now is the time to vote for legalization within the Legislature, with broad participation of segments of society and even of opponents of the activity.

The same opinion was commented by Congresswoman Magda Mofatto, that Congress is ready to vote on the projects. "Considering the course of the discussions, there will be no setbacks and I am sure that the approval of gaming activity will not be vetoed by the Executive," she concluded.

Source: Exclusive GMB

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