DOM 2 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 00:45hs.
By Fenae

New campaign against Caixa privatization launched in Brazil

According to the National Federation of Staff Associations of the Caixa Econômica Federal (Fenae), the government tries to privatize the state-owned bank, which means reducing and weakening that institution and the socioeconomic development of Brazil. For them, the move has no sense and launched the campaign #NoTemSentido (It Has No Sense) on social networks to defend a “100% Public Caixa”.

The website of the entity receives and publishes statements from the entire population about Caixa's importance for the development of the country. "It does not make sense for Brazilian society to give to the private sector a company as important as Caixa.”

“Therefore, we, the Caixa employees and Brazilian workers, want Caixa to remain firm and strong as it is: a dedicated company that plays a very important role in Brazilian society," said Jair Ferreira, president of Fenae, in one of the statements posted on the campaign website.

With a 157-year history, Caixa plays a key role in the country's development through housing, sanitation and public works financing, as well as offering innovative and efficient social programs, such as: the Social Integration Program (PIS); Insurance-Unemployment; FIES and My House My Life. The bank is also responsible for the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) and lotteries.

In a statement released on the occasion of the launch of the campaign, Fenae points out that it does not make sense to throw away important achievements. "Savings, pledge, housing, FGTS, innovative, efficient and recognized social programs worldwide. In 157 years of existence, Caixa has consolidated its leading role in the economic and social development of Brazil." And also added: "Anyone who defends the privatization of Caixa, whether the whole bank or in parts, does not have the slightest commitment to Brazil and Brazilians."

Soon, the campaign " Não tem sentido" will spread throughout the country by sending of posters, stickers, folders and other materials to the Caixa units, with the support of trade unions, Apcefs and other entities in the states. With the participation of the employees, the intention is to flood the social networks with the hashtag # NotTemSentido and also carry out media actions.

To participate in the campaign, those interested must enter the site and send a video of up to 15 seconds with a message saying why Caixa can not be privatized.

Source: GMB