SÁB 1 DE JUNIO DE 2024 - 21:41hs.
Luiz Fernando Andrade, General Manager

"What RCT expects most is the legalization of gaming in Brazil"

The company of the Baungartner family was present at recent FADJA, the Bogotá trade show, with great success. In Colombia, they showed the market their first certified street machine that will give Colombians a highly qualified platform and games like the traditional 'Halloween'. In conversation with GMB, its general manager, Luiz Fernando Andrade, spoke about the new products and the desire to return to work in Brazil.

"What RCT expects most is the legalization of gaming in Brazil"

Luiz Fernando Andrade, General Manager and Peterson Baungartner, Administrative Manager - RCT Peru

Luiz Fernando Andrade, General Manager and Peterson Baungartner, Administrative Manager - RCT Peru

It was your first participation in FADJA ... what motivated you to be part of the show this year?

Yes, this is the first time that RCT participates in the fair. Fadja is a very important show for the sector. Apart from being strategically very interesting for the future of RCT, the fair takes place in a country that seeks to have an even more orderly regulation every day.

Tell us about your partnership with PMV and Colombia ... in what do you benefit from this agreement?

PMV is undoubtedly a strategic partner for RCT, a company that has been in Colombia for many years and has a lot of commercial potential in the market. For us at RCT, the benefit is being able to show our Colombian customers our platform and our highly competitive games.

How was the presentation to the market of your first machine certified in Colombia?

The presentation of our street machine was precisely at Fadja 2018. As you mentioned, we are the first machine certified for this purpose. We are sure that overcoming the competition will give us the chance to break the market before another company enters this modality. The success at the fair was total, where the customers were delighted with the model and very satisfied to be able to count on this new product.

What games can be seen in the slot? Halloween, one of the successes of RCT and of Brazil, can be played?

RCT is a company that has had the happiness of developing games that have become classic over time. Undoubtedly, one of them is Halloween, a world-famous and very successful game. Besides Halloween, other games such as Samba, New Fruit, Kings of Egypt and Country are also part of the certified multigame version.

Where can Colombians find these machines and when?

The key product of the partnership between PMV and RCT was developed for the street machine mode. The product will be distributed by the company PMV SA. Then it will be for the whole country, where the Colombian player will be able to enjoy all its entertainment potential.

Are there any future RCT growth projects in Peru and Colombia?

Without a doubt, Colombia is a country that interests us very much, because it has a very organized law and we will always be vigilant in the development of new technologies for this market. We know there is a great demand for poker and we are already preparing to meet this demand.

What is your final impression of FADJA and what conclusions does it draw from the current status of industry in Latin America?

Fadja is a reference fair for the sector. No doubt many important companies in Latin America are present in Colombia and were able to enjoy the presentation of great brands and new products. Latin America is being restructured at the level of regulation, each country with its characteristics and certainly is a very important region for the sector. In addition, the region is very dynamic, since the diversity of products provides this characteristic.

Finally, it should continue to be the family's desire that Brazil legalize gaming so that you can return to work in your country, right?

What we most hope for is a possible legalization of the sector in our country. We know how important is for Brazil to have a regulated gaming sector. The country has been losing many tax revenues due to clandestine activity. We are making every effort to contribute important information to support the legalization of the sector. We hope that in the very near future we can have something concrete and defined for this issue.

Source: Exclusive GMB