DOM 5 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 13:01hs.
To attract new audience

Caixa to allow playing its lotteries over the internet in Brazil

In search of profit and better results and attract new public, state-owned bank Caixa will let top lay any of its nine lotteries through the internet. Initially, the bet will have to be paid by credit card, with a minimum of R$ 20 for each 'shopping cart'. It also plans to allow debit card payment and, in the future, develop a cell phone application.

Caixa's goal, according to sources involved in the discussions, is to attract an audience that today does not pay attention to lottery: young people and high-income public. This is one of the main arguments to face the opposite position of the lottery retailers, who fear a decline in physical stores.

The measure will also boost Caixa's fare revenues, which now hold about 10% of the tickets sold.
In 2016, there were collected with lotteries of US$ 4.1 billion. For this year, the forecast is US$ 4.45 billion. According to projections, in the first year of internet betting, the bank will raise US$ 160 million and, within five years, between 4% and 5% of total revenue.

Still aiming at tariffs gains, Caixa seeks a strategic partner to participate in the Lotex (scratch car or " raspadinha”) bidding, which will be granted to the private sector. The bidding is scheduled for December.

According to government officials, the possibility of making games over the Internet is part of Caixa's bigger strategy of winning customers in the virtual environment, at a time when certain audiences are less and less attending physical stores. To do this, the bank is investing in a new digital platform, within the scope of measures to improve efficiency and reduce costs with a view to IPO.

Source: GMB / O Globo