MAR 14 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 13:11hs.
André Feldman, firm’s representative in the country

"Caesars supports a complete gaming law for Brazil”

(Exclusive GMB) - Following the launch of the Pro-Gaming Parliamentary Front in the Chamber of Deputies, rumor has surfaced that there were interested parties trying to make casino legalization happen separately from other gaming offer. GMB talked about the issue with André Feldman, representative of Caesars casinos in Brazil, who said that the idea is unfounded and that the group wants a complete gambling law. 'It is a joint fight of all the sectors related to gaming so that the country has a regulatory framework,' he said.

GMB - You've probably heard of this rumor that has surfaced recently that casinos are looking for a way to legalize only its segment at first and then legalize other gaming offer. As a representative of Caesars in Brazil and as a consequence of the casino industry, what can you tell us about this? How did he gain this rebound?
André Feldman
- This statement that casinos are wanting to make a proposal separate from other gaming sectors does not have much foundation. I will try to explain in a few words how it ended up. This initiative began with Deputy Herculano Passos, he takes care of the commission responsible for tourism in the Chamber, wich is trying to raise all possible ways to improve tourism in Brazil. And he understands the casino, not only by the gaming aspect, but also because of the entertainment, the shows as we see in Las Vegas, all things around gaming and the big resorts, they have to do with tourism. So, from the Ministry of Tourism, he is trying to do a project where he asks that within the tourism incentive law casinos can be included.

Could not the other gaming offer be included in this project? What difficulty do they find to do so?
What happens is that he can not include in this project the other type of gaming in this law because he understands that they have no connection with tourism; that bingo will not bring tourism. He finds out that they are types of games aimed at the local public, for people living in municipalities. He just could not include them in the tourism project in the same way he can and understands that it is worth including the casinos.

Although this difference in casinos has more connection with tourism, is the segment's position to have a complete gaming law? How is the casino relationship with the other segments of the activity?
Affirm that casinos are trying to legalize separately, in our point of view, is totally wrong. We have a lot of friendship with the staff of the Legal Gaming Institute, with ABRABINCS, we have done everything together, accompany, go to their events, participate in the dinners. Our position is that there should be a complete regulatory framework that legalizes gaming in Brazil. Gaming activities related to each sector in a second part of regulation is that they will be defined where each one will have its space and will fit. 

Even without defined regulations, do you believe that the casino space will be linked to tourism? How will be the position of the segment in the continuation of the fight for the gaming law?
We want casinos within resorts, to fit in the laws of tourism ... there is no doubt about it. But that does not mean that the ones related with casino want that Brazil only regulates casinos. That is not true. It is a fight that includes all the gaming activities, with all sectors linked to gaming together aiming to have a regulatory framework, with an approved law.

Source: GMB Exclusive