SÁB 11 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 04:53hs.
CEF electronic trading

Caixa conducts today bidding for sports betting consulting in Brazil

(Exclusive GMB) - Even with little disclosure, Caixa Econômica Federal holds today a bidding process in the form of an electronic auction with a global price for the hiring of a consulting firm that will define a business plan for the exploration of sports betting in Brazil. The Bidding Notice can be downloaded in this article.

Published in the bidding portal of Caixa Econômica Federal, the Bidding Notice provides for the contracting of a consulting firm to provide market research and advisory services for the structuring of business models for holding fixed-odds sports betting (sports betting) in Brazil.

Accreditation of interested parties ended at 11:59 pm yesterday and tenderers are expected to submit their business proposals by 1 pm today. Two hours later the electronic trading session starts with the presentation of decreasing bids for 30 minutes. After that initial time expires, the automatic random time phase will enter for up to 30 minutes and may terminate at any time after its start.

The initiative to open a CEF bidding to define a business model for sports betting is a clear sign of the positive understanding that the Brazilian lottery operator has of this type of game. An  issue to discuss is that the announcement has not been done with more time to ensure the broad participation of companies specialized in market studies of the activity.

The Caixa Econômica Federal did not disclose in the Bidding Notice the budget estimate for contracting the service. In the notice, it is only stated that it was kept as "confidential" and constant "in the Administrative Process, and the disclosure of unit and global values will occur at the end of the bidding process at the stage of awarding the object to the successful bidder." That is, bidders may be disqualified when submitting their bids if they are not within the "stealth" value defined internally by CEF. In this case, only companies that estimate how much Caixa intends to pay for the service will be eligible for the bidding step.

Caixa defined two "products": "detailed study of the universe of sports betting" and "business model observing Caixa's current role in the lottery market". Both are well defined in the Bidding Notice and include an analysis of the main regulated and unregulated markets, as well as the regulatory environment, in which the body requires a complete description of the sports betting market in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland and Portugal demonstrating other operating models (with the detailing of information and characteristics), companies that act (state and private - with collection, structure, subsidiaries, suppliers, etc.), supervisory and regulatory bodies, regulatory framework situation (through a survey of the set of rules governing sports betting in the country), existence of beneficiaries and tax structure.

Source: GMB