SÁB 11 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 10:14hs.
72nd meeting of National Front of Mayors

Secretaries of Security defend legalization of gaming in Brazil

The municipal secretaries of security of the country will support the legalization of the gaming activity as an alternative to the financing of the actions of prevention against the crime in the Brazilian cities, during the 72nd meeting of the National Front of Mayors, that takes begins today (27), at the headquarters of Sebrae, in Recife.

The main allegation of managers is that the practice of gaming, even prohibited, continues to occur in several states, where there is no supervision that prevents betting in clandestine houses or by virtual means.

"Even though it is not a legal practice, gambling is present in every corner of the country. We defend its legalization because we understand that the resources collected by the Union and the states can reach the municipalities as a form of investment in public security actions," said the president of the National Council of Secretaries and Security Managers (CONSEMS), Manoel Alencar, who also holds the position of Secretary of Citizen Security and Civil Defense of Paulista / PE.

The proposal is that the taxes collected to be destined to the sector, through transfer Fund to Fund." There are a lot of projects in the area of public security that have not gone out of print for lack of resources. We are convinced that this situation tends to change with the legalization of gaming and the sharing of resources for public safety," said Alencar, president of CONSEMS.

MEETING - The defense of the legalization of games of chance will be the main topic of the meeting of COSEMS, that includes a series of acts, between today (27) and tomorrow (28). Noteworthy for the election of the vice-president of the council of the Northeast Region; lectures on public security with authorities of the State Government and other instances of power; and presentation of successful projects in the area, such as the Youth Shield, the DP of Janga, and Paulista Conectado, of the Paulista City Hall; besides the election of the State CONSEMS. The latter will be presented by the municipal secretary Manoel Alencar, who will also be responsible for explaining the topic of the gaming industry.

Source: GMB / Assessoria de Comunicação