VIE 10 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 15:40hs.

Changes in Lotex auction: 15 years and around US$ 155 million

(Exclusive GMB) - The Federal Government's Investment Partnership Program (PPI) Board approved yesterday (Wednesday 8) the model of the Instant Lottery privatization with major changes. The concession will be for 15 years, not 25, and this has lowered the granting value from the original US$ 275 million to about 155. The modifications happen after taking into account the opinion of the companies that participated at recent roadshows.

With the announced changes, the concession will now be 15 years and the granting value will also not be US$ 275 million as expected, and will now reach US$ 155 million.

The qualification of the interested parties will be with a minimum experience of sale of instant lotteries of US$ 365 million in the period of one year.

Earlier it was required that the value in sales be reached per month, an estimated US$ 30.5 million per month. Now the goal of sales to be annual, having to reach the amount of US$ 365 million at the end of each year.

The changes has been defined to clarify the technical qualification and also taking into account what the companies presented in roadshow and public consultation.

The TCU process does not change as the government has studies for 15, 20 and 25 years. Now it is necessary to wait for the Court for the publication of the edict with 15 years. The auction remains for February or March as announced by the economic monitoring secretary, Mansueto Almeida.

Source: Exclusive GMB