MIÉ 1 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 13:20hs.
For next week, June 7th

Brazilian SFC postpones decision on decriminalization gaming

The rapporteur, Minister Luiz Fux, explained his position saying he acknowledged the general repercussion on the subject. The president of the Court, Carmem Lúcia, decided to suspend the session taking into account the seriousness and the consequences that the result of the decsion can generate. Voting will continue next Wednesday (June 7th), with EA 966177 being the first of the Order of the Day.

The judgement of Extraordinary Appeal (EA) 966177, that deals with the possible decriminalization of gaming in Brazil, began yesterday (Thursday) in the Supreme Court plenary in second place of the day’s agenda.

In his presentation, the Minister Rapporteur stated that the solution to the point of order being judged was in article 116, paragraph one, as it is in the Constitution.

Following Luiz Fux's speech, Minister Carmem Lúcia, the president of the STF, requested permission from the rest of the ministers to suspend the session to resume the topic in the next one, taking into account the seriousness, repercussion and consequences of the theme and the relation with other cases.

Next session is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7th, when the topic will be resumed as the first of the day, where the votes of the other ministers will be heard for final decision on RE 966177.

Source: GMB