DOM 28 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 15:46hs.
US$ 1.85 BILLION IN 2016

CAIXA Lotteries are valuable source of resources for social development

Almost half of the total collected with lottery games is passed on to priority areas of Brazil. Projects related to social security, education, sport, culture and security benefited from the sale of the lottery products, which in the last five years already totaled more than US$ 8.95 billion.

About 48% of the funds raised by Brazilian state-owned bank Caixa Econômica Federal, with the sale of the lottery products, are destined for education, sports, culture, security and social security programs. From each R$ 1 (US$ 0,30) paid, R$ 0.48 (US$ 0,14) is invested in these areas. Only in 2016, US$ 1.85 billion were transferred to organs and entities defined in specific legislation. In the last five years, the total totaled more than US$ 8.95 billion.

Decree-Law No. 204, of February 27, 1967, which defines the role of CAIXA and lotteries, indicates the destination of the amounts received with the commercialization of the games. These are projects related to social security; Education, such as the Higher Education Student Fund (FIES); Sports, such as the Brazilian Olympic and Paralympic committees and football clubs; Culture, with the National Culture Fund; and Security, through the National Penitentiary Fund.


For the Ministry of Education, the money raised from CAIXA Lotteries are directed to the Student Financing Fund (FIES), which grants funding to students regularly enrolled in non-free and positive assessment courses. Pursuant to Law No. 10,260, of July 12, 2001, 30% of the net income of the competitions administered by CAIXA, as well as all prizes not sought by the winners within the limitation period, are directed to the Fund.


The transfers to the Ministry of Sports prioritize the educational, income and national creation of sports; the training of human resources and the support of research projects. Professional football clubs and social clubs - these through projects approved by the Brazilian Confederation of Clubs - also receive funds from the CAIXA Lotteries. The Confederation assigns these values to training clubs for Olympic and Paralympic athletes. In 2016, there were 26 football clubs with the support of the bank.


Complementary Law No. 79 of January 7, 1994, which created the National Penitentiary Fund, states that 3% of the amount collected from contests, draws and lotteries must be passed on to the Fund. In 2016, more than US$ 117 million were transferred by the CAIXA Lotteries. The Fund supports activities and programs to modernize and improve the national penitentiary system, such as construction, renovation, expansion and improvement.


The transfer of amounts collected through the sale of lottery products is one of the sources, considered in the Federal Constitution, for Social Security funding, which includes Social Security, Health and Social Assistance. The amount complements the payment of pensions, and aids, as well as the operation and maintenance of Social Security Agencies. In 2016, more than US$ 637 million were transferred by the CAIXA Lotteries.

Source: GMB/ Agência Caixa