SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 08:18hs.

Gaming market would generate USD 20 billion per year in Brazil

It is known that gambling is expressly prohibited in Brazilian territory with the exception, of course, of betting on lotteries of the Caixa Econômica Federal. But what would be the impacts on the Brazilian economy if this story were different? The Federal Deputy, Herculano Passos, presented what would be the positive impacts of gambling for the country.

During the 59th National Congress of Hotels, the deputy estimated that the country would raise about USD 6.4 billion per year with the legalization of these activities. This amount does not include grants or fees, that is, it is likely that the value is much higher than that. This, of course, is a study made on the possible taxation previously stipulated in the legalization projects of the activity.

The casino market, with the values of the fees added to USD 6.4 billion, would reach the amount of USD 20 billion per year. This represents about 1% of Brazil's GDP, which is a lot. "The potential of the gaming market is 1% of the country's Gross Domestic Product, and in 2016 our GDP was USD 2 trillion, so the annual market potential would be USD 20 billion. The average global taxation of gaming is 30%, which would give Brazil an annual revenue of USD 6 billion in taxes with this sector, not counting the grants and fees," said Passos.

Arguments against

Of course there are many people against this legalization, there are even several groups that do not support this option. The argument is that this would further aggravate the corruption problems faced by the country and would also increase the case of gambling addicts.

The truth is that these so-called cases of corruption happen only in countries where gambling is not yet legalized or in those where legislation leaves something to be desired. Want a better example than Brazil? Gaming is illegal all over the country but, it happens daily and moves staggering amounts of money. "Only the local popular jogo do bicho moves about USD 3.85 billion a year, while about 300 clandestine bingos, move USD 415 million, the slot machines spin in the economy of illegal gambling USD 1.15 billion and online gambling, which is also prohibited, raises USD 960 million annually. In all, illegal betting moves USD 6.35 billion in Brazil, "said the parliamentarian.


Tourism in Brazil loses a lot due to the lack of these resort facilities and casino hotels. In order to have a little idea, the number one city of casinos, Las Vegas, receives about 40 million tourists per year. And Brazil? It only has 6 million visitors a year. So casinos could really leverage those numbers in Brazil.

Source: GMB / Midia Bahia