JUE 25 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 01:55hs.
From lotteries

Future Brazil’s Minister of Justice asks for approval of PM that brings funds to public safety

Sergio Moro, the judge that President-elect Jair Bolsonaro chose to become the next Minister of Justice, defended the approval in the National Congress of PM 846/18 that provides for the allocation of funds from federal lotteries to public safety and legalizes sports betting. 'I believe Congress has the sensitivity to approve this provisional measure,' said Moro, who gained fame in 2015 for being in charge of the prosecution of the crimes identified in the Lava Jato case.

The current Minister of Public Security of Temer’s Government, Raul Jungmann, met with Judge Sérgio Moro, future Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro, to address an important issue for the country: public security. In order to obtain more resources for this purpose, Moro indicated the need to make a financial restructuring of the area.

With this, he raised the idea of approving the Provisional Measure (MP) 841/2018, which includes in its text the transfer of funds from lotteries to the National Public Security Fund (FNSP). The idea of judge Sergio Moro is to make federal lotteries, such as Mega-Sena, Lotofácil, Quina, Lotomania, among others, contribute to the aid of Public Security.

"It is very important that it be approved (the MP). I believe Congress has the sensitivity to approve this provisional measure, and to consolidate this position so that we can move forward," Moro said in a brief statement after the meeting. Even he returned to Curitiba he commented at the meeting that he should be present in the federal capital again this week.

If the MP - which is already in process in the National Congress - is approved, the resources destined to public security for 2019 would more than double: they would go from R$ 800 million (US$ 214m) to R $ 1.7 billion (US$ 454m).

In his speech, Sérgio Moro recalled that without resources it is not possible to develop projects and carry out public policies. The advice of the new Ministry of Justice also commented that an agreement was made with the General Secretariat of the Government, which gave up the 2% of the lottery financing it initially requested.

Under pressure from Sports and Culture, an agreement was reached for Public Security to accept 13% instead of 15% of total collections. The estimates of the new Ministry of Justice, led by Judge Sérgio Moro, are optimistic:

2019: R$ 1,7 bi (US$ 454m)
2020: R$ 2,4 bi (US$ 642m)
2021: R$ 3,2 bi (US$ 856m)
2022: R$ 4,3 bi (US$ 1.15bn)

With the new idea of Sérgio Moro, of the amount of collection of the current 10 lotteries of the Caixa (Mega-Sena, Lotofácil, Quina, Timemania, Lotomania, Double Sena, Lucky Day, Loteca, Lotogol, Federal Lottery), 13% would go to the aid of public security.

Source: GMB