DOM 5 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 05:22hs.
By the Education, Culture and Sport Committee

Project regulating eSports can be voted on today in Brazilian Senate

The Education, Culture and Sport Commission (EC) may vote today on the bill that proposes the recognition, promotion and regulation of electronic sports (the so-called eSports) in Brazil (PLS 383/2017). For the author, senator Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA), sports disputes in virtual environments offer, as well as traditional sports, means of 'socialization, fun and learning'.

eSports are competitive activities involving video game, computer and other equipment. According to the project, the electronic sport, when practiced in a professional way, will observe national and international rules accepted by the entities of administration of the sport.

For the author, senator Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA), sports disputes in virtual environments offer, as well as traditional sports, means of "socialization, fun and learning". The senator points out that the practice can contribute to improve the intellectual capacity and strengthen the reasoning and the motor skills of the participants.

The rapporteur in the EC, Senator José Medeiros (Can-MT), is in favor of approving the project in the form of a substitute approved by the Commission on Science, Technology, Innovation, Communication and Information Technology. The substitute, made by Senator Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), reformulated the original text to make it more harmonious with the provisions of Law 9.615 / 1998, which establishes general norms on sport.

As the project is terminating in the EC, if approved, it can go straight to the Chamber of Deputies, unless there is an appeal for analysis in the Senate Plenary.

Source: GMB/ Agência Senado