JUE 18 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 09:45hs.
Next December 12, in Brasilia

Executive Committee of Caixa Employees to insist on avoiding Lotex concession

The Executive Committee of Employees of the Caixa Econômica Federal (CEE/Caixa) defined the agenda that will be taken to the meeting with the state-owned bank's management that will take place on December 12 in Brasilia. The list of topics to be discussed by bank representatives was defined by Caixa's own employees, in consultation with the Union and other representative entities. They will make clear that it will not be accepted the “slicing” of Caixa with the sale of Lotex.

"The participation of the workers was fundamental in this context, so that we could have a real panorama of what has been primarily concerned the employees of Caixa. Now we are going to take our demands to the bank's management and collect guarantees for bank workers," said union leader Dionisio Reis, coordinator of CEE / Caixa.

The banking category was mobilized on Thursday 29, the National Day of Fight against the “slicing” Caixa, symbolized by the auction of Lotex, which was scheduled for last 29th and was postponed to February 5th.

For them, the privatization of the Instant Lottery (Lotex) is one more attack that Caixa has been suffering from the federal government. Thus, the union movement is promoting the campaign “Não Tem Sentido” (It has no sense), in which employees and citizens in general can send their message in defense of the bank so that it remains 100% public, strong and fulfilling its social role in the service of Brazilians.

Across the country, representatives went to work places and public squares to talk with bank workers and the population in general about the importance of the public bank for society and for the socioeconomic development of the country.

They also distributed posters of the campaign "It has no sense", launched in October by Fenae, with slogans such us "It does not make sense to privatize Lotex", "It does not make sense to slice Caixa”, "It does not make sense to privatize Caixa", "It does not make sense to weaken Caixa" and "It does not make sense to reduce Caixa".

The mobilizations in defense of a 100% public Caixa do not stop there. Today, workers will hold a National Day of Struggle in defense of all public banks.

Source: GMB