VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 09:32hs.
They are not authorized

Uruguay to block 17 offshore online betting sites

Seventeen offshore gaming sites found to be operating illegally in Uruguay will be blocked now that they have been identified by The Uruguayan Board of Lotteries and Pools Betting (DNLQ). The stipulated term for these companies (which include Bet365,, and Bwin) to remove themselves from the market is now over.

DNLQ’s Director, Luis Gama told local newspaper El País that as it was “difficult to determine who is the responsible person” for each of these sites a series of notifications had been made via the Official Gazette reporting the situation. Up until now, none of the operators have responded and presented their case to the Board.

Once the stipulated time is reached, the Communications Services Regulatory Unit (URSEC), will have 48 hours to communicate with the relevant Internet service provider to block these sites which in turn will be given a further 48 hours. According to these deadlines, Gama told El Pais, that in all likelihood that the blocking of offshore websites will go into effect next week. He explained that these websites are illegal in Uruguay because current regulations prohibit any type of betting game not specifically authorised by law.

The DNLQ had already compiled a list of sites which were accepting bets in Uruguay which would be blocked, Gama told El País last month. Although the prohibition of bets not authorised by the State derives from previous legislation this has been reinforced in recent months via both an executive decree as well two articles included in the new Accountability Law, which was put forward by the Executive branch.

According to the law “the provision of services through the Internet, technological platforms and computer applications, referred to online gambling or betting” is now illegal.

The official made clear that the only online gaming platform currently allowed is via Supermatch. Supermatch, which went live in October 2005, is the first and only officially sanctioned sports betting site in Uruguay.

Gama also said in February that after blocking illegal websites and “cleaning up the offer” of online betting, the State might look into the possibility of a tender process for more online gaming licences.

Source: GMB / El País