VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 04:32hs.
Deputy Halum asked for a deep study

Brazil seeks support from University of Nevada to define a better gaming law

(Exclusive GMB)- The President of the Parliamentary Front for the approval of the Regulatory Framework of Gaming in Brazil, Deputy Cesar Halum, sent a letter to Andre Wilsenach, Executive Director of the International Center for Gaming Regulation (UNLV) to request him to work together with the Brazilian Institute of Games (IBJ) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in the creation of a studio on the best practices of regulation of gaming in the world, as they did in Japan.

The President of the Parliamentary Front for the approval of the Regulatory Framework of Gaming in Brazil, Deputy Cesar Halum, requested cooperation between the International Center for Game Regulation with the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and the Brazilian Games Institute with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro for the presentation of studies on the best practices of gaming regulation in the world to maximize the generation of employment and income, increase tax collection, protect consumers, treat gamblin addicts, fight organized crime and prevent money laundering.

“Bearing in mind that the Brazilian Gaming Institute works in cooperation with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), also called University of Brazil, the largest federal university in the country, ranked as the best Brazilian federal university and Brazil's first official higher education institution, which has operated continuously since 1792, it would be very much relevant if the UNLV International Center of Gaming Regulation and the Brazilian Gaming Institute could work together to investigate and produce a comprehensive study about Socio-Economic Impacts of Gaming Regulation in Brazil, considering all kinds of gaming as well as recommendations to maximize benefits and mitigate or eliminate risks such as money laundering, gaming diseases and organized crime,” Halum added.

This initiative is very important to qualify the discussion in the Congress and to ensure that Brazil can correctly and objectively assess the risks and opportunities of regulation of gambling in the country, knowing that the greatest risk is not to regulate and to allow organized crime to continue appropriating the illegal gambling in the country.

"Congratulations to the honorable Deputy Halum for seeking support from the University of Nevada to make the best regulation for our sector in Brazil. It is a great idea and will be a fundamental and useful contribution to advance the process," says Rogerio Vargas, president of IBJ, to GMB.

Fonte: GMB