LUN 6 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 15:40hs.
Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB)

Brazilian president candidate defines political deals and supports gaming legalization

Presidential candidate Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) went ahead after closing support with the so-called 'Centrão' - made up of political parties PP, DEM, PRB, SD and PHS - for his coalition. In addition to deepening political support and gaining electoral density, the pre-candidate will have the longest election time among candidacies for the Planalto Palace. Former governor of São Paulo has since 2006 expressed his support for the gaming legalization, which he defended also recently in May.

Alckmin met with DEM president ACM Neto, federal deputies Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), Paulinho da Força (SD-SP), Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP-PB), Luis Tibé (Avante-MG) Minister Marcos Pereira (PRB). Before, he already closed political deals with PSD, PPS, PV and PTB.

The "tucano", as it is said to the members of PSDB party, will have 43% of the total time of the free TV electoral program, which as of August 31 will have two daily segments - of 10 minutes, each -, becoming the candidate with more time, among all the postulants. At the meeting, it was suggested the one who go with him as vicepresident, the businessman Josué Gomes (PR), son of the former vice president José Alencar - died in 2011.

In May this year, the former governor was invited by the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro (ACRJ) for a lecture on public security, education and economic policy. There, Alckmin also said that tourism should be an absolute priority, since it is a great generator of jobs, but that is a way to be traveled alongside public safety.

"I am in favor of gaming legalization. The challenge of the modern world is this: the future of employment. Because technology generates great advances, but also unemployment. Technology allows you to produce more with less people. But the modern economy did not invent consumption without salary," he said.

Also, in November of last year, Alckmin presented before Recife businessmen part of his proposals for the country in the economic area. The “toucan” was only applauded in two moments: when he affirmed that he supports the "well-regulated legalization" of gambling as a way to leverage tourism and when he mentioned the incentive policies for the production of biodegradable fuel, such as etanol (Pernambuco is the second largest producer of sugar from Brazil, losing only to São Paulo). Alckmin said he was in favor of legalizing the gaming activity, with clear rules. "Today it is gambled on the Internet. Prohibition of gambling encourages corruption," he said.

In 2016, during a talk at an event sponsored by the Sao Paulo Housing Union (Secovi-SP), Alckim was blunt about his position: "I am in favor of legalizing the activity, first because gaming already exist. The biggest player is the federal government because you have lotteries of all kinds. Secondly because in most countries of the world it is already regulated. Not having this regulated, gives place for corruption, operates clandestinely and the government has no collection. And we have to worry more and more about the jobs," he said.

Already in 2006, Alckmin said to be favorable to the operation of bingos, since regulated by the Congress. "The bingos can not continue to function in the foggy way it is today," he said, when he was approached on the subject during a lecture at the Brazilian Congress of Tourism Activities held in the Chamber. Alckmin pointed out that in São Paulo, there is a bingo house in each block functioning under the backing of injunctions. "It's a mess with the police," he said.

The “toucan” candidate made the comment a day after the closing of the Bingos CPI that, contrary to what was predicted, did not approve any legislation to discipline this practice of gambling in the country. "It is better to have a good regulation than to leave as is. Today we have a completely gray area in terms of legislation and I am in favor of approving good regulation," Alckmin concluded.

Alckmin would have had possitve results. Even without representatives at the meeting, the PR party, by former deputy Valdemar Costa Neto, who threatened to close a political deal with Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), finnaly confirmed support to the former governor. Bolsonaro, by now, remains with only 1% of TV time for the campaign.

Source: GMB