VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 18:06hs.
Deputy Leonardo Monteiro request

Public Hearing will discuss post and against of gaming regulation in Brazil

Chamber's Participatory Legislation Commission (CLP) approved Request 119/2019 by Deputy Leonardo Monteiro (PT-MG), which called for the “Public Hearing to discuss the regulation of gaming in Brazil: Post and Cons”. Among the guests are Marcelo Crivella (Bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and Mayor of the City of Rio de Janeiro) and Deputy Bacelar (Coordinator of the Joint Parliamentary Front for the approval of the Regulatory Framework of Gaming).

The deputy requires, under the regimental terms, that a Public Hearing be held, and invited the representatives of the institutions listed below, to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the regulation of gambling in Brazil:
• State Ministry of Economy;
• Mr. Marcelo Crivella - Bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and Mayor of Rio de Janeiro;
• CNBB representative;
• Representative of the Brazilian Bar Association - OAB;
• Vicente Cândico - Corinthians Director of Institutional and International Relations
• Dep. Fed. Bacelar - Joint Parliamentary Front Coordinator for the approval of Gaming Regulatory Framework

In his justification, Monteiro comments that the National Congress has been discussing the regulation of gaming in Brazil and needs to seek consistent and reliable information to analyze pros and cons, taking into consideration potential socioeconomic impacts, knowing the best international practices and measures to protect vulnerable people, mitigating risks to the popular economy, combating money laundering and organized crime, preventing and treating ludopathies, etc.

Advocates of gambling regulation believe that this industry can be a tool for economic growth, generating jobs and income in the country, and encouraging tourism in the country. Gambling is legalized in most parts of the world. Brazil is among the exceptions. Apart from Cuba, it is the only non-Islamic country among the 156 listed in the World Tourism Organization that has not yet put all the chips in a deal that, some say, is a real gold mine.

In the United States, the world's largest gambling market, 2014's gaming turnover reached US$ 142.6 billion, according to The Economist magazine.

Opposing activists argue that such legalization could encourage organized crime, increase public health costs for treatment for ludopaths, and that the tax increase will be much lower than that favored and will not be sufficient to cover health, safety and health expenses infrastructure that will have to be made for the operation of gaming houses.

Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the issue in depth, with responsibility, objectivity and transparency, allowing and encouraging the participation of the population, and that is why the Participatory Legislation Commission should hold this Public Hearing, concludes Deputy Monteiro.

Source: Games Magazine Brasil