JUE 25 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 08:34hs.
The idea is under discussion

Brazil’s Government studies setting up integrity committee to discuss betting decree

An idea that came up at the end of the Sports Summit Integrity hosted by GovRisk and Genius Sports that took place last week is starting to take shape. The government is considering setting up a working group involving athletes, officials, clubs, federations, confederations, companies and the Sports Secretariat and the Ministry of Justice to set priorities and what needs to be included in the decree. One of the suggested names to join the group is Emanuel Rêgo, National Secretary of High Performance Sport.

The idea is under discussion with the Special Secretary of Sport of the Ministry of Citizenship, Décio dos Santos Brazil. It remains to be defined who should lead the work. Because it is involving the decree, it is to be imagined that the Secretariat of Evaluation of Public Policy, Planning, Energy and Lottery of the Ministry of Economy will start with the work.

"We are open to join [a working group] to discuss these issues. What can be included there about criminalization, listening to the athlete and sports manager's side, how this can happen and how we can give final shape to this new decree, "said Celso Silva, project director of the Special Secretariat of Sport.

Sports betting in Brazil was permitted by Law 13,756, passed by the National Congress in 2018, as the last act of the government of then President Michel Temer. The issue is in the regulatory phase by the federal government.

The idea was also well received by the Ministry of Economy, but it may be that the joint work will take place later in the discussion of the decree.

"The ministry needs to talk to other folders. Maybe the Sport has to help us [in the making of the decree], but we chose to have a formatted text, then talk to other folders, such as Sports and Justice, for more technical issues," he explains. Waldir Eustáquio Marques Júnior, undersecretary of Prizes and Draws of the Ministry of Economy.

The government expects that by November everything will take shape and send to President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL). Once approved and effective, bookmakers will be able to operate in the country within six months.

For Alexandre Manoel Angelo da Silva, Secretary of Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery of the Ministry of Economy, there are three recent positive changes in national regulation: "a clearer legal framework, the implementation of missing modalities and the opening to competition of the lottery market," summarized.

The government wants to present a text that ensures safety for the operator, the regulator and especially the gambler.

"Protecting sports presents many challenges and will not be possible without tailored regulation, and effective law enforcement through sophisticated data analysis. We have seen a promising commitment to future cooperation between key institutions such as the Ministry of Economy, Special Secretariat of Sports, Federal and State Police and the Public Prosecution Service. Taking advantage of this moment will be vital to protect the integrity of Brazilian sport," explained Dominic Le Moignan, director of government projects at the International Institute of Governance and Risk (GovRisk).

Source: Field Law – UOL