MIÉ 24 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 23:14hs.
Lunch with the President

Deputies met with Bolsonaro and asked the government to regulate casinos

President Jair Bolsonaro met with the deputies of the Paulinho da Força Center (São Paulo), national president of Solidarity, and Elmar Nascimento (BA), leader of the DEM. The meeting took place amid dissatisfaction among MPs over the delay of Planalto Palace in delivering on the promise of amendments to parliamentary bases and the threat of paralyzing measures in the House. Another demand was government support to regulate gambling options, such as casinos.

The two deputies were invited at the last minute by the Minister of Government, General Luiz Eduardo Ramos, to a planned meeting with the government leader in the House of Representatives, Major Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), the deputies Vinicius Carvalho (PRB -SP), Claudio Cajado (PP-BA), Colonel Armando (PSL-RJ) and Senators Arolde Oliveira (PSD-RJ) and Lucas Barreto (PSD-AP).

The meeting took place amid widespread dissatisfaction among MPs over the delay of Planalto Palace in delivering on the promise of amendments to parliamentary bases and the threat of paralyzing government measures in the House.

According to one of those present at the lunch with Bolsonaro, the President of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), no longer votes any government project until the amendments are paid.

Deputies argue that the government has not fulfilled its part in the agreement that secured approval of a bill that has moved R$ 3 billion (US$ 715m) from the 2019 budget, favoring mainly the Ministries of Health, Defense, Regional Development and Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Rather, the funds would go to Social Security and Education.

Attendees at the meeting reported an evolution in Jair Bolsonaro' stance from the beginning of the year and stated that "he is more politicized".

At lunch, Bolsonaro promised to talk to Economy Minister Paulo Guedes to discuss the issue, but stressed the difficulty of making room in the federal budget to fulfill the commitment made with congressmen.

The president also asked the legislature to take measures to make Ibama's environmental supervision more flexible for the construction of infrastructure works.

In addition to the amendments, another demand from deputies was government support for a gambling bill to allow different betting modalities, such as casinos.

Source: Lauriberto Pompeu - Congresso em foco