LUN 29 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 08:58hs.
Vinicius Lummertz, São Paulo Tourism Secretary

“Brazil must learn from countries that move forward with the release of casinos”

According to Vinicius Lummertz, Secretary of Tourism of São Paulo, the activity is part of the economy of the world, representing 10% of the economy of the planet and also of SP, for example. “Tourism is growing all over the world and countries are making progress on casino release and improving their ports,” said Lummertz. However, he also recognized some difficulties. 'In Brazil, there is not yet a business environment that stimulates investments, but rather hinders,' he said.

For the São Paulo Secretary of Tourism, it is immoral to evade these opportunities. “The government is working hard on tourism. The growth of natural tourism is 20% per year and the concessions of parks in Brazil are already happening. The theme parks were exempt from importation, an agreement was signed to release air capital. The government is doing its part,” he said.

Tourism is growing worldwide. Countries are advancing on the release of casinos and improving their ports, but “here in Brazil, there is still no business environment that stimulates investment, but it gets in the way,” Lummertz said.

“A more accessible country. Tourism provides air connectivity and reforms bring investment, and together, supporting tourism, there will be no unemployment. We need to stop being the country of backwardness, improve our business environment for investment arrival,” he concluded.

Source: GMB/ Mercado & Eventos