VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 17:24hs.
An initiative of Conajzar

Paraguay considers to modernize games of chance exploitation law

The president of the National Commission of Games of Chance (Conajzar), Jose Ortiz, said that the main objective of the entity in the coming months is the presentation of an update of the law that created the Commission and adapt it to the new gaming modalities. Ortiz commented that it is expected to present the bill in the first half of this year.

The Law 1.016 / 97, by which the Conajzar is created, does not include many of the gaming modalities that exist at present, for which an update will be presented that of predictability to all the possible games of chance, manifested in the # PyEn15 TV segment.

Ortiz said that it is expected to present the bill in the first half of this year. A similar project was presented two years ago in Congress, but did not have the necessary momentum.

During that time, Iocal officials interacted with related institutions in other countries and compared laws that regulate gambling to include the national bill.

The new law also includes new forms of regulation for games of chance, such as online controls and strengthening ties with Municipalities for controls and information on the fees that communes must receive.

From there, there will be predictability in the tasks of the Conajzar, which will result in greater transparency in the actions of the Commission, said Ortiz.

The Conajzar is the entity in charge of regulating all games of chance and their application in the country. In this sense, one of its main functions are tenders for the exploitation of gambling sites.

Annually, the Conajzar collects around US$ 20 million in fees, which are distributed as follows: 30% for DIBEN assistance programs, another 30% for Municipalities and Governaments, and the remaining 10% for the National Treasury Department.

Source: GMB / Solo Azar