LUN 6 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 23:42hs.
Vermelho (PSD-PR)

Deputy asks to re-analyze bill to legalize only casinos and not whole gaming in Brazil

Deputy Vermelho (PSD / PR), head of the Tourism Committee, presented request 22/2019 asking to create a Special Subcommittee to debate and propose legislative solutions and other measures to legalize gaming within the next 180 days in Brazil. He believes that PL 442/1991 is not approved because it covers all modalities. 'The most important topic of the proposal from the point of view of the attraction of tourism is the legalization of casinos', assures Vermelho.

The application was filed on April 1 and awaits Deliberation in the Tourism Commission (CTUR). See below the full text of the justification of Request 22/2019:

In 2016, the special commission to assess PL No. 442/1991 issued an opinion with Substitute, providing for the legalization of so-called "games of fortune" in Brazil. Such a project has been ready for plenary agenda ever since.

Although it was the result of extensive debate in the respective committee, the substitute, with due respect to the nobles peers at the time, lost focus, becoming comprehensive with the attempt to regulate, besides casinos, bingos, state lotteries, "
jogo do bicho ", online games and even BR1 machines.

"Without detracting from the proposal made by the special commission, we understand that this scope causes many divergences of concepts and modalities, which hampers and delays project approval in Plenary.

The most important point of the proposal from the point of view of the attraction of tourism is the legalization of the operation of casinos, especially in the poles of great tourist capacity and also in resorts. We suggest extracting the relevant points regarding casinos from PL 442/1991, but with minor changes, in order to present the slice of the project to the plenary of this Committee and after the Plenary of the Deputies Chamber.

Countries such as Uruguay and Portugal had significant gains in attracting tourism and income after the opening of their respective casinos. Brazil is currently one of 37 countries that
does not allow casinos, and this group is mostly from Muslim countries. The arguments for the legalization of casinos far outweigh the opposites and we believe that it is urgent to accelerate such a debate.

We then propose the creation of a Special Subcommittee to discuss the subject and analyze PL No. 442/1991, so that, with the knowledge acquired, the technical committee can present solutions capable of generating a consensus proposal and closer to the tourist and economic reality from the country.

Deputy Vermelho (PSD/PR)

Source: GMB