LUN 29 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 07:24hs.
After SECAP request

Caixa reduces rates for using its lottery network to future LOTEX operator

At the request of the Secretariat for Evaluation of Public Policies, Planning, Energy and Lottery (SECAP), Caixa decided to lower tariffs for the use of its lottery network in the sale of the Exclusive Instant Lottery (LOTEX). In January, the value would have a base of 4.34% and a limit of 5.66%, on the value of the ticket/bet. Now, they range from 1.10% to 1.7%, with progressive increases. The measure seeks to attract foreign companies that have expressed dissatisfaction with the former values.

On March 18, the government decided to postpone the bidding process for the Brazilian Exclusive Instant Lottery. The new date for the Submission of Proposals moved to April 22nd and the Public Session of the auction will remain on April 26.

CAIXA has evaluated new assumptions and new models in order to meet SECAP's request, and at the same time offer a proposal that contributes to the expansion and modernization of the Brazilian lottery market.

In this sense, they follow the new minimum parameters to be discussed with the future concessionaire, depending on the contractual conditions and other business to be contemplated in the agreement, corresponding cumulatively to:

Incident rate on the physical and/or electronic ticket price sold in the network of existing CAIXA lottery units at the day of the auction:

- Years 1 to 3: 1.10%

- Years 4º to 6º: 1.20%

- Years 7th to 12th: 1.60%

- Years 13 to 15: 1.7%

Incident rate on the physical and/or electronic ticket price sold at other retailer's points of sale, except on the website and app for own smartphones:

- Years 1 to 3: 0, 10%

- Years 4º to 6º: 0,15%

- Years 7th through 12th: 0.24%

- Years 13º to 15º: 0,30%

For lottery units that start operation after the auction, CAIXA and the vendor consortium will negotiate new parameters, taking into account the additional implementation costs not contemplated in the rates of the previous item.

As already registered in Official Letter 028/2019 CAIXA, the remuneration of the lottery network is not included in the value of the CAIXA rate and should be at least 6%, incident on the value of the ticket/bet, and cannot be lower than the value of the other points of sale of the future operator of LOTEX.

Also, it is worth mentioning that the definition of financial and contractual conditions will depend on the LOTEX business model to be effectively implemented after the auction, which may contain different assumptions from those presented in the BNDES feasibility and technical study, such as the value of the grant, percentage of collection in the online channel, among others.

Finally, it is again mentioned that it is the exclusive prerogative of CAIXA to establish or not any definitive commercial agreement, which is subject to approval by the competent authorities. In this sense, the values presented above cannot, under any circumstances, have binding effect.

Source: GMB