VIE 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 05:46hs.
In Plenary Chamber

Deputy Adolfo Viana called for vote on PL 442/91 that legalizes gaming in Brazil

Federal Deputy Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA) defended in the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, that Bill PL 442/91 be included in the Order of the Day for its appreciation and vote. The proposal legalizes the gaming activity in the country. According to the parliamentarian, the lack of regulation of this sector leads the country to give up millionaire revenue and prevents the generation of millions of jobs.

"I wanted to talk about the importance of bringing the Bill that regulates the gaming sector in our country as quickly as possible. Today, we are giving up a billion dollar revenue, giving up millions of jobs and, what is worse, we still allow the activity through international websites that operate in our country," said the deputy.

"Anyone today goes online, visits a website and plays all casino games, bingo games and slot machines. So, it is up to this House to regulate the activity as soon as possible so that these revenues and supervision to happen in our country. That’s why I ask that this Plenary evaluate this possibility so that we make here the appreciation of this bill as soon as possible," assured Viana.

Source: GMB / Ascom Deputado Federal Adolfo Viana