VIE 19 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 03:38hs.
To support sports activities

National Football League Sete Society asks STF to release bingos and slots in Brazil

The Brazilian National Football League Sete Society filed a Direct Action of Unconstitutionality with a request for injunction (ADI 6131) in the STF requesting the release of bingos and slot machines with the suspension of the effectiveness of article 2 of Law 9.981/2000, the Law Maguito. The organization claims that in recent years it has faced financial difficulties in developing its sporting activities and is requesting authorization to explore bingos as an alternative resource for the sport.

In ADI 6131, the National Football League Sete Society is defended by lawyer Wolney Monteiro Junior, of São Paulo. The process filed in the STF on May 9 currently has the minister Luiz Fux as its rapporteur and awaits his conclusions for judgment. The action is registered with the subject ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND OTHER MATTERS OF PUBLIC LAW | Administrative Proceedings | Privacy Policy | Bingo and / or Slot Games and was received by the area of Evaluation, Prevention and Distribution of Originals Civil and Criminal.

In the summary of the application, the National Football League Sete Society says:

“The National Football League Sete Society requires the granting of CAUTELAR INAUDITA ALTERA PARS, to suspend the effectiveness of article 2 of Law 9.981 / 2000, until the judgment of merit and that is provided for the repeal of the regulation, granting authorization to the Petitioner to exploit the bingo game, as an alternative resource for the sport. Therefore, that the Union, States and Municipalities, through their organs and agents, refrain from performing any impeding act, from the regular exercise of the full activity of the Petitioner, granting the Licenses and Authorizations within its Laws and Regulations, for its operation and to determine the citation of the distinguished representatives of the NATIONAL CONGRESS, to come to provide in the legal term, the information that they deem necessary.”

This is not the first action of the National Football League Sete Society for this purpose. In 2011, together with the Brazilian Confederation of 7 Society Football, it filed Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality for Default (ADOs 16 and 17) in the Federal Supreme Court (STF) with the purpose of guaranteeing the opening of bingo houses in the country.

In that action, the entities argued that bingo activity was foreseen by articles 59 to 81 of Law 9.615 / 98 (Lei Pelé), however, with the advent of Law 9.981/00 (Lei Maguito), the activity became prohibited since 31 of December 2001 and that the prohibition was due to a misinterpretation of the competent authorities regarding Article 2 of the Maguito Law. The entities also alleged that the Maguito Law would have stipulated the 60-day deadline for Congress to approve the new bingos exploration law. As the norm was not approved, the practical result was the closing of bingo houses managed by them.”

The National Football League Sete Society is the largest and oldest national entity of the most practiced modality in the world that in Brazil has more than 25 million practitioners. The organization is responsible for the decentralized development of sport, management of the modality, total organization of the ecosystem, promotion of teams, organization of national and international competitions, support for the exponential development of state entities and an endless commitment to the growth of this sport.

Source: GMB