DOM 5 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 18:46hs.
Axminster or Hand Tufted designed carpets

Oriental Weavers chooses Atlantis as only commercial representative in Latin America

Oriental Weavers, the US division of The Oriental Weavers Group -the world's largest producer of the most extraordinary designed carpets Axminster or Hand Tufted- has appointed Atlantis, the leading reference in flooring, wallcovering and acoustic solutions in South America based in Argentina, as its main and only commercial representative in Latin America.

Oriental Weavers is the US division of The Oriental Weavers Group, the world's largest producer of the most extraordinary designed carpets Axminster or Hand Tufted, tailored to each project.

The company has offices in the United States and one of the largest manufacturing plants installed in the world currently located in Cairo, Egypt.

Buenos Aires-based Atlantis (in Argentina) officially incorporates this representation of superior excellence to its value proposition of usual and distinguished product lines, which are synonymous of quality and creativity.

Atlantis is a leading international company in design, trend and production of floor coverings. It is part of the Unilán Group, which has been doing business for more than 60 years in a permanent and continuous way with more than 25 countries in Europe, America and Asia.

The company has two facilities in Argentina to comply with the production of carpets for hotels, casinos, and entertainment venues, in both the residential and corporate market.

Since 2010, Atlantis has been recognized and awarded by SAGSE trade show as the carpet manufacturer with the greatest drive, growth and innovation in Latin America and is recognized for its creativity, processes, technology and personalized attention to each project.

Source: GMB