JUE 18 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 17:33hs.
Opening message of BgC second day

Vinícius Lummertz: "We want casinos in integrated resorts in São Paulo"

In the opening message of the second day of the BgC, Vinícius Lummertz, State Secretary of Tourism of the state of São Paulo and former Minister of Tourism, said that SP already has a position on the theme of casinos: 'Once the moment for reforms to reduce the fiscal deficit we are living in, we will need the investments of big businessmen, and the state of São Paulo wants the casino model in integrated resorts,' he said.

According to Lummertz, Brazil needs big names of the sector and certainly the main corporations will dispute the licenses that are put in the table. "If we have two licenses in São Paulo, I believe in investments of about 9 to 10 billion dollars each for the implementation of integrated resorts in our state," he said.

Society, he said, should not be afraid to face the debates over casino regulation, as it is a strong economic activity. "We must be afraid of hunger and unemployment, never serious investments and good ideas to help us to move forward. Gaming should be discussed and implemented rationally," he said.

For him, Brazil can’t think that it has no chance to control the activity. "We have Coaf and so many other control tools. So, it is a mistake to think we are not capable. We must believe in our potential and follow examples of success. Just look at the case of Japan, which has followed the path adopted by Singapore and is creating its model of success to attract large investments," he said.

Tourism, according to the secretary, is one of the great industries available and creating tools for it to contemplate greater scope will make the asset for Brazil exceptional for the development of the country.

Source: Games Magazine Brasil