LUN 29 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 10:55hs.
Waldir Marques at the FPF Seminar

“We want to reduce trade promotions registration time to help businesses and clubs”

The Deputy Secretary of Prizes and Draws of Brazil’s National Secretariat for Public Policy Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery of the Ministry of Economy, Waldir Eustaquio Marques Junior, was the second speaker of the FPF Seminar. Talking about the “Commercial Promotions” initiative, he pointed out that this is a great still unknown opportunity for footballclubs, presented the laws governing this activity, and emphasized SECAP's work to improve enrollment speed.

Marques showed to the audience present at the noble auditorium of the Paulista Football Federation the presentation of “Commercial Promotions” and began by explaining that the activity emerged as a marketing strategy for companies to promote their brands and thus reach a wider audience, increase their sales and visibility within the market. At this point, he used as an example the fantasy game Cartola FC, developed by Rede Globo for the Brazilian Championship.

“It's important for companies to promote their names and brands and use this marketing strategy to achieve their goals. I was talking to someone from Rede Globo and who told me about Cartola, which we have as a success case for commercial promotion. We were able to authorize this one in the past and it was not as appropriate as we allowed it. We talked a lot, helped to shape the project and today all the people wait to play and bet on Cartola,” he said.

The sub secretary said that the regulatory work was hampered due to the law governing the industry being old from a time when there was no internet and all the current resources. He explained that three types of commercial promotions are allowed, which are draws, contests and similar operations.



He highlighted the Secretary's work in speeding up those interested in conducting trade promotions with their brands. According to him, the authorization process in the Ministry of Economy has already slowed a lot and the goal is to improve even more, reducing the process time from 6 to 2 days.

“Our idea is to reduce the time to register commercial promotions at the Ministry of Economy to help generate revenue for promoters of these actions. We want to make it easier for companies to have more opportunities through commercial promotions and thus attract more customers and generate more revenue.”

Concluding the presentation, Waldir Marques spoke about the future of trade promotion regulation stating that the Ministry intends the activity to have only one with all the rules, which does not happen today: “We want to unify trade promotion into one law so that companies know exactly what they can and can't do in this activity.”

At the end of his presentation, GMB talked to with the sub secretary, who evaluated his participation and highighted the importance of the event: “It was a great opportunity to try to explain in detail to people what is the Commercial Promotion and Philanthropic Draw. I have noticed that little is said about this subject and many are unaware of the great opportunity it represents. This event was very good for that.”

Source: GMB