VIE 3 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 14:25hs.
Chamber’s rapporteur asked for approval

Request of information about possible fraud in Caixa’s prizes moves forward

Rapporteur Deputy Marcos Pereira (PRB-SP) asked for the approval of the Information Request (RIQ) 786/2019 that asks for more information from the Minister of Economy through the COAF (Council for the Control of Financial Activities) on the possible fraud in the prizes awarded by Caixa Econômica Federal’s lotteries. Now, the request waits for Order of the President of the Chamber of Deputies.

In the Information Request, Otoni de Paula asks for data based on 4 specific queries:

1. List of suspects to earn beyond reasonable estimates;
2. Number of times each of these suspected winners were awarded;
3. Amount, in reais (local currency), involved in these possible frauds in the last ten years;
4. Probability for a single award winning in the competitions practiced by CEF.

His justification for the request is the following:

The explanations in question are relevant, as they involve, on the one hand, a considerable public-private structure between Caixa Econômica Federal and the Lottery Houses; and, on the other, millions of Brazilians who use their lottery products. Playing in a playful way or not, what the bettor wants is the smoothness of the events. However, there are rumors of fraud that need to be clarified.

The three cash lottery modalities (numeric prognoses, sporting and passive prognoses) involving the ten betting products (Mega-sena, Quina, Lotofácil, Lotomania, Douro Sena, Timemania, Lote Day, Lotogol and Federal Lottery) involved , in 2017, collection of R$ 13.9 billion (US$ 3.65b), equivalent to 0.2% of GDP. Of this amount, 37% or R$ 5.2 billion (US$ 1.35b) are earmarked for Social Security, education, culture, sports and public safety.

Regarding lotteries, Caixa Econômica Federal created the Lottery Houses, which form a vast and complex structure for betting and other banking operations. This efficient system accessible to the population in the centers and on the periphery of large cities and in practically all the small municipalities of the country can’t be tainted by the lack of precise information of the competent organisms when fraud information arises in any part of the prize draw process.

This structure has, as a clientele, tens of millions of bettors, occasional or those who play every day or weekly in the expectation of obtaining relevant financial awards, capable of changing their lives.

The reality is compromised by allegations of fraud in various contests. It is necessary to separate the rumors of truth. It is unofficially known that bettors have won dozens and even hundreds of times in one of the ten betting games of Caixa. Sometimes in two or more ways. Others succeeded sometimes on the same day. Still others have won simultaneously in different states. Clearly bypassing the odds that govern the other bettors.

The lack of plausible clarifications from the competent bodies feeds the lobby of companies interested in breaking Caixa's monopoly to explore gambling. Ten out of ten lottery bettors expect these doubts to be clarified.

Source: Games Magazine Brasil