VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 14:51hs.
New text version

Rapporteur withdraws widening Jockeys betting possibilities on PM of Economic Freedom

With Economic Freedom PM (Provisional Measure)about to expire, rapporteur Jerome Goergen (PP-RS) sent to House leaders a new text. The deputy removed points that created controversy and that had been included by him in his report still in the Special Committee, which considered the text in July. It left out, for example, the expansion of games and revenues from horse racing organizations. This decision is bad news for the Brazilian Jockeys that are going through a crisis.

Agreed with the government, the intention of the President of the House of Representatives, Rodrigo Maia, is to vote this version in the House plenary tomorrow (Tuesday). The changes in the PM come after negotiations with the government and with Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), MP rapporteur Jerônimo Goergen (PP-RS) said.

The deputy assured that even with the changes, the central points of the proposal are maintained. Among the changes is also the possibility for employees to work on Sundays, provided that they are given day off every seven weeks.

The Economic Freedom PM, sent by the government to Congress at the end of April, provides for a series of measures that aim, according to the Ministry of Economy, to reduce bureaucracy and improve the business environment in the country, facilitating the lives of businesses, especially the mall ones. Among the measures is the end of the need for licenses and permits for low risk businesses.

The deputy points out that the measures can return to the debate, depending on negotiations with the other parliamentarians. "It's normal for me to get pressure from parliamentarians. As I've changed a few points, it's natural for them to want something back."

During its course in the House of Representatives, the measure, edited by the Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) government, received an article amending the 1984 Turf Act. The text indicated that race promoters may be authorized by the Ministry of Economy to promote lotteries linked or not to the outcome of the race.

Clubs are interested in providing other forms of betting to deal with their financial difficulties. The most likely to gain space with a change in the law would be instant racing, in which the player bets on recorded races, randomly selected by a computer, to prevent him from knowing the outcome in advance.

Today, the problem with the Jockey Club is that the cost of running a race is very high. The stakes are often not enough to pay the costs. The Jockeys have already been denied the request to adopt the model previous queries.

There is also interest from the Jockeys in promoting other betting modalities. In 2006, the Alegrete club (RS) attempted - and failed - authorization from the National Treasury Attorney General to hold number-based draws. The Brazilian Jockey Club of Rio de Janeiro had already received the same negative in 2001.

In 2008, the Santa Maria Jockey (RS) also received no endorsement to place bets on virtual races, which consider the movement of electronic horses, the so-called video turf. Same result had similar consultation of the Jockey of Sao Paulo in 2004.

The federal deputy distributed to the other parliamentarians a version of the text to be debated today (Monday 12), before going to plenary the next day. "I anticipated everything that could lead to the discussion about unconstitutionality and what was parallel, peripheral debate regarding the content of the measure."

The goal, he said, is for the MP to pass quickly without the risk of controversial issues lengthening its debate. According to the congressman, the decision to no longer amnesty carriers that did not meet the minimum standards was a result of the government, which promised to edit a new PM dealing with the theme after negotiations with truck drivers.

Source: GMB