VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 07:59hs.
With a complementarily 3%

Projects linked to Brazil's cultural roots may receive lottery funds

The Human Rights Commission (CDH) approved last Friday (9th) the favorable report of Senator Telmário Mota (Pros-RR) to the bill (PL 2.098/2019) that states that the National Culture Fund (FNC) should give priority, in the distribution of its resources, to projects linked to expressions of local origin, recognized as traditional and considered roots of Brazilian culture, such as indigenous and Afro-Brazilian communities. The fund is mainly fed by the federal budget and complementarily by 3% of the lotteries.

Authored by then Deputy Laura Carneiro, the approved proposal modifies the ‘Rouanet’ Law (Law 8.313, of 1991) and also provides that the National Program for Culture Support (Pronac), with the purpose of raising and channeling resources for the sector, should promote, support and disseminate the culture of indigenous and Afro-Brazilian communities, as well as their cultural manifestations.

“Building the society idealized by the Constitution is an ongoing process that we cannot neglect. The black population and indigenous peoples still feel the weight of the slave and colonial tradition that marked the history of our country. Every day, we are perplexed to see the murder of black youth in Brazilian cities and the increase in violence against indigenous people caused by land conflicts. Racism and prejudice dehumanize the people who target them and end up legitimizing violent attitudes,” says Mota in justifying his report.

According to the senator, the project can help to overcome the historical marginalization of minority groups by encouraging actions and projects aimed at “valuing cultural manifestations that are not restricted to those typical of only part of the national population.”

PL 2,098 / 2019 now goes to the Education Commission (EC) for review, then goes to the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE).

Source: GMB / Agência Senado