VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 21:07hs.
Project under discussion in Chamber

Use of lottery resources splits opinions in Brazil’ Sports Commission

School and college sports managers differ on the percentage of lottery resource usage. The debate in the Sports Commission on Wednesday (14) was around the bill (2937/19) that almost doubles the allocation of lottery resources to the Brazilian School Sports Confederation (CBDE) and almost quadruples the values intended for the Brazilian Confederation of University Sports (CBDU).

Each of the entities would receive 0.43% of the total collected, and no longer the rates of 0.22% and 0.11% that go today, respectively, for school sports and college sports.

The text amends Law 13,756/18, which established new destinations for the collection of lotteries in 2018. The author of the project, Deputy Júlio Cesar Ribeiro (PRB-DF), argues that the current distribution hinders the development of school and university sports.

CBDU President Luciano Cabral added that recent changes in legislation have reduced university sports resources by 44%, with negative impacts on the training and preparation of athletes.

“Our resources were limited to national stages due to a breach of law. Therefore, I understand to be extremely relevant - not only in university sports, but for sports across the country - this recomposition of resources, because otherwise our country will not advance in the sports sector.”

CBDE President Luiz Delphino complained that this proposal was not previously discussed with other entities benefiting from lottery resources. For Delphino, school sports are better served in another bill (6718/16), already approved by the Sports Commission with the support of the entities and focus on amendments to the Pelé Law (9.615/98).

Higher percentage

The Ministry of Citizenship, which is responsible today for the defunct Sports portfolio, is also against changes in the percentages of school and university sports. The special secretary of Sports, General Décio Brasil, made a third suggestion to the deputies: a new bill to increase the current 7.02% that sports receive from lotteries.

Décio Brasil recalled that currently most of the lottery collection goes, besides the winner (43.3%), to social security (17.3%) and the National Fund for Public Security (6.8%).

“Most of these lotteries were created with the sport in mind and today can only pass 7.02%. It may not be the case to move the internal indexes, but it is the case to increase this value by 7.02%. And this is where Congress needs to help us, because US$ 93 million doesn't solve anyone's problem and we are sharing crumbs.”

Organizer of the debate, the deputy Júlio Cesar Ribeiro does not give up recomposing the resources, especially of the university sport. However, he admitted changing the percentages. “I leave here today convinced about my project: yes, there has to be some readjustment, but not to the extent that we initially spoke. I think you can review it.”

In general, the debaters complained about the lack of resources to finance Brazilian sport and warned that the records of Brazilian medals at the Universidad de Naples (total of 17, 5 of them gold) and the Pan American Games of Lima (171, 55 gold) played recently, may not be repeated in future competitions due to difficulties in the preparation of athletes.

Source: GMB / Agência Câmara Notícias