JUE 18 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 21:25hs.
Next October 1st

Caixa’s President will have to explain in House Committee bank’s privatizations

The president of Caixa Econômica Federal, Pedro Guimarães, will be invited by the House of Representatives' Labor, Administration and Public Service Commission (CTASP) to talk about the privatization of the bank's profitable and strategic areas such as lotteries and LOTEX. The scheduled date for Guimarães presentation at CTASP is next October 1st. The intention of the commission was to convene the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes.

The request, by Federal Deputy Erika Kokay, for this purpose was approved on Wednesday (14th) by CTASP, but by agreement built with the government leadership, the minister's call was transformed into invitation and the Caixa's president is the one who should provide the clarifications.

During the vote on the matter, Federal Representative Erika Kokay made reservations about the agreement made with the government leadership.

"I want to build here an understanding that if the president of Caixa fails to appear on time, the minister will be automatically summoned," she said, regretting that Guimarães had already breached a similar agreement last semester. Commission President Professor Marcivânia has pledged to work to ensure that the agreement is fulfilled.

For the president of the National Federation of Caixa Staff Associations (Fenae), Jair Pedro Ferreira, the population and workers need to be clarified urgently about the role that the current management of the public bank imagines for Caixa.

"It is not from today that we have denounced the bank's dismantling, which has contributed over 150 years of history to the economic and social development of the country," he emphasized.

Source: GMB / FENAE