DOM 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 21:58hs.
Tourism Commission wants legalization

Evangelicals want to stop gaming approval in Brazil, faces oposition of other parliamentarians

The coordinator of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front in the House, Deputy Silas Câmara (Republicans-AM), wants to meet with the Catholic bench to join forces against the approval of gamin in Brazil. His effort is countered by Newton Cardoso Junior (MDB-MG), chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Tourism Commission, who says that the negative response to legalization is only ideological and that the country would have positive consequences with the approval of the bill.

If it depends on the evangelical bench, gambling will not be legalized in Brazil again. Jogo do bicho, casinos and bingo games have been banned in the country since 1946, but a bill that is pending in the National Congress can regulate the exploitation of these bets throughout the national territory, and authorize them also on the internet.

In this battle, the Evangelical Parliamentary Front of the National Congress, with 193 deputies and 8 senators, wants the support of parliamentarians of religions, such as Catholics. And the fight will not be easy: Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), president of the House, has already declared himself in favor of legalizing casinos, although restricted to resorts.

"They will not be able to institute this law in Brazil, because the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, the Parliamentary Front in Defense of Life and Family and the Catholic Parliamentary Front will unite strongly against it," says the coordinator of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front in the House, Deputy Silas House (Republicans-AM).

Contrary to Senator Ciro Nogueira's (PP-PI) bill, the House emphasizes that gambling "is no good." The deputy's assessment is that casinos bring many social problems that can even "destroy Brazilian families."

For the MP, who is pastor of the Assembly of God Church, it is a big mistake to say that gambling will warm the economy.

"In the US, for every dollar raised in casino taxes, the Las Vegas economy loses US$ 3 to recover the social ills that gambling imposes on society," he said, without citing the source of the study.


Different opinion is presented by the president of the Brazilian Association of Bingos, Casinos and Similars (Abrabincs), Olavo Falles da Silveira. For him, the problems reported by evangelicals are not directly related to gambling and that is not what happened in other countries that opted for legalization.

"86% of the countries that make up the United Nations (UN), legalize the activity. Of the other 14%, 80% are Islamic. In the Americas, besides Brazil, only Cuba and Venezuela do not allow it," says Silveira.

He also says he does not agree with the statement of Deputy Silas Câmara, which is also contrary to the lotteries of the Caixa Econômica Federal. For him, the legalization of gambling will have as positive consequences the increase in tax collection, jobs and also will take the economic power of the militias.

For Newton Cardoso Junior (MDB-MG), chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Tourism Commission, the negative response to the legalization of gaming is only ideological. The deputy is in favor of gambling permission, because, according to him, the Federal government today cannot raise "a real (local currency) of this activity that occurs under the nose of all governments."

"We have a budget deficit of R$ 124 billion (US$ 305b). Imagine if we could tax this activity - which is the common world outside - in the range of 30% to 50%, over an estimated GDP of R$ 20 billion (US$ 4.9b), and we could put only R$ 10 billion (US$ 2.45b) in the government's cash in taxes due to the legalization of the activity. We would have more money for education, health, safety, among other areas, and would still put Brazil on the international tourism route," defends Cardoso.

He recently met with Abrabincs president and also president Jair Bolsonaro to defend the legalization of gambling in the country. Bolsonaro, however, has not yet said whether he is for or against the project.

What Bill 186/2014 proposes

According to Senator Ciro Nogueira's (PP-PI) bill, gambling - casinos, jogo do bicho, bingo games, card games or any kind of electronic game - would be allowed in physical spaces or online.

The text, which had the assent of the rapporteur Senator Fernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB-PE), restricts the activity to people over 18 years. Currently, those who exploit gambling in Brazil can be sentenced to up to one year in prison, and can pay a fine of up to R$ 200,000 (US$ 50,000).

Even if it becomes law in the country, the text still provides a fine and penalty of one year for those who do not have legal authorization to exploit any of these games, and detention of up to two years for those who cheat the outcome of the game or prize.

Those who allow minors under 18 to enter gambling venues will be subject to up to one year detention and a fine.

Bill 186/2014 is awaiting a vote in the Senate plenary and then should go to the House of Representatives. If approved, it will be referred for sanction or veto by Jair Bolsonaro.

Another bill in the House of Representatives is the 530/2019, presented by Deputy Paulo Azi (DEM-BA) at the beginning of this legislature, provides for the exploitation of games of chance in casinos resorts in the national territory.

Source: GMB/ Gazeta do Povo