SÁB 4 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 14:48hs.
Jeferson Bezerra

Candidate for mayor of Brazil’s municipality Dourados wants to create lottery to finance health

Journalist Jeferson Bezerra and Messias de Souza are respectively candidates for mayor and vice-mayor of Dourados, a Brazilian municipality of the Mato Grosso do Sul state. Both advocate innovative action that would optimize the public health budget. 'We can promote a lottery, similar to those managed by Caixa, covering the public health network,' said Bezerra. He wants to put the idea into practice in January 2021. “It is essential that we have more grant options in health,” says Messias.

“In 2015, former vice-governor and former state deputy George Takimoto already presented a similar proposal, but we want to develop an exclusive lottery contest to raise funds to be applied to improve and modernize the health sector in Dourados, however we must prepare legal studies on the feasibility of this, given that it is the prerogative of the Union to legislate in the area,” said Jeferson.

“The idea is challenging, we can promote a lottery, similar to those managed by Caixa Econômica Federal, covering the public health network. I have to congratulate Takimoto, doctor for more than 50 years, specialist in the field of General Practice, General Surgery and Geriatrics, he mastered this theory with mastery. We also defend that this amount eventually collected by the lottery, is minimally used in basic demands, such as equipping and refurbishing Health Units, in addition to providing additional support to the functioning of the kidney clinic, for example, currently maintained by agreements in the network private,” he mentioned.

Jeferson explains that he should order the technical studies from January 2021, intermediating the support of the Federal Bench of Mato Grosso do Sul in the National Congress, in order to implement a pilot project for this lottery in Dourados.

“It is essential to have more options for subsidizing health, I see that people are already judged and humiliated in the precariousness of care at the Hospital da Vida, Emergency Care Unit (Upa) and some Health Posts, sectors that face difficulties, be it in the area human and material resources. Our greatest opportunity will be these existing lotteries and within them to define a value to be allocated to Dourados, always with a specific purpose,” concluded Messias.

Source: Folha de Dourados