SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 10:52hs.
Deputy Jose Mario Schreiner

New proposal directs part of Brazil’s federal lotteries collection to fight coronavirus

Bill 1129/20 redirects funds raised by the government from official lotteries during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the text in progress at the Deputies Chamber, 5% of the total should be transferred to the National School Meals Program, for distribution in the form of basic baskets to families of students in the public basic education network; and 2% will be allocated to the Health National Fund for actions to prevent and combat the disease.

Brazil’s National Congress recognized a state of public calamity in the country due to COVID-19, which runs until December 31 this year.

"In this moment of international crisis, it is necessary to increase the resources destined to health," said the author of the Bill, deputy Jose Mario Schreiner (DEM-GO). "The resources of the prediction contests will return to their usual percentage once the crisis caused by the new coronavirus has been overcome," he continued.

Currently, less than half of the collection with lotteries, before the income tax discount, is destined to the winners of the prizes. In addition to health, part of the collection is already divided between the areas of education, security, culture, social security and sport.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias