SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 11:45hs.
New service whose events are related to the COVID-19

SM Software Technology presents solution to overcome the crisis in the online betting market

Currently, all betting and sports sites are experiencing one common global problem - the lack of significant sports events in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. SM Software Technology offers a solution to overcome the crisis in the online betting market. The service is easy to integrate, multi-currency and multilingual.

A solution provides bet acceptance in the pre-match mode on events related to the COVID-19 outbreak such as number of cases. New data on the past days are published around 00:00 UTC. The calculation of bets is carried out immediately after the publication of results from official source. A significant part of money earned by SM Software Technology will go towards helping elderly people suffering from COVID-19.

We have created a new service whose events are related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The service covers various aspects of the pandemic. The developers ensured bet acceptance in any fiat currency. The company believes that such an initiative will also accelerate the dissemination of valuable information about COVID-19, making it more accessible”, СЕО SM Software Technology Andy Wind told GMB.

SM Software Technology has been designing, developing and selling software for casinos, bookmakers and lotteries since 2007. 

Since 2017, company representatives have been actively participating in major exhibitions in Latin America. Now they are successfully working in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, the Dominican Republic, etc.

In early 2018, the company started its operations in Africa. Our products are widely distributed and growing in Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and other countries due to their technological and customer-oriented approach.

They have a solid track record of cooperation with more than 100 projects. Working in a highly competitive environment, SM Software Technology differ from others in that they have shown their ability to create high-quality games of various types. Their successful implementation is possible thanks to a team of professionals of the highest level, ready to solve any task.

Source: GMB