SÁB 27 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 01:48hs.
In coordination with Pagcor

Ortiz Gaming Asia gives support to Philippines COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts

Ortiz Gaming Asia has announced the initiative to help Filipinos community during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery, following PAGCOR’s (Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation) continuous efforts to respond to local needs. During this week, the company has donated over 1 ton in food aid, in accordance with the existing government guidelines and in cooperation with the Philippines gaming regulator Pagcor.

With everyone up against all the challenges brought about by the COVID-19, Ortiz Gaming, guided by its core values, joins the struggle contributing to the battle in support of our national community and to ease the impacts of the pandemic on households.

“We hope this donation will somehow give a little relief to some Filipinos families in need, and while it is still uncertain when the greatest risk will be behind us, we remain inspired by the humanity and willpower coming from every sector in the country. The whole Ortiz Gaming family is grateful to the heroic front liners; doctors, nurses, public health experts and public servants who have given every grain of their spirit to help the nation face these tragic times” said Roberto Regianini, VP of Global Sales, Ortiz Gaming Corporation.

“We would like to thank our Customers, Suppliers, Employees and Ortiz Gaming Asia friends during this difficult moment, we are encouraging everyone to unite against our common foe… together we can beat COVID 19! Special thanks also Jimmy Bondoc, Pagcor VP under Corporate Social Responsibilities and Allan Sayson in assisting us with this important initiative,” added Fabio Moretti, Director of Operation, Ortiz Gaming Asia.

As the crisis evolves, Ortiz Gaming will continue to support the Philippines’ recovery efforts. In cooperation with their existing partners, the company is committed to ensure the safety of the people by enhancing protective measures and providing sanitary paraphernalia once the gaming industry restart to operate.

Source: GMB