SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 19:50hs.
Capitão Wagner

Deputy asks to create the “Health Lottery” in Brazil, allocate collection to fight COVID-19

Through Bill 1561/2020, Brazilian deputy Capitão Wagner wants to establish the “Loteria da Saúde” (Health Lottery) as a new type of lottery of numerical prognoses, with the destination of the resources generated by this new product to the Unified Health System (SUS) and, exceptionally, for actions to prevent, contain, combat and mitigate the effects of the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus (COVID-19), while the effects of the State of Public Calamity last.

Capitão Wagner requests that the Congress decree:

Art. 1 The “Loteria da Saúde” is established as a new type of lottery of numerical prognoses, in the form governed by Decree No. 204, of February 27, 1967, and by Law No. 6,717, of November 12, 1979, with destination of the proceeds of its collection to the Unified Health System, and, exceptionally, while the effects of the State of Public Calamity, declared by Legislative Decree nº 6, of 2020, last exclusively for the actions of prevention, containment, combat and mitigating the effects of the New Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19).

Art. 2 The prognoses contest referred to in this Law will be authorized and regulated by an act of the Minister of State for the Economy, which will mandatorily provide for the conduct of the contest, the setting of prizes, the payment of income tax on the prize, the amount unit of bets, percentages and limit of expenses with the cost and maintenance of the service.

Single paragraph. The contest referred to in this Law will be carried out by Caixa Econômica Federal, and its revenue managed by the Ministry of Health, through the application of funds received by the National Health Fund (FNS).

Next, the complete justification of Deputy Wagner for approving the Bill:

The Federal Constitution of 1998 expressly established in its art. 196 that health is the right of all and the duty of the State, guaranteed through social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of diseases, assuming immense relevance in the actions and services provided by the Unified Health System (SUS), now considered one of the largest and most complex public health systems in the world.

Certainly, the maintenance of the provision of Health services by SUS requires a substantial contribution of resources, always making the authorities and this Parliament's concern with the search for new sources of revenue always present without the need to create new taxes for this purpose.

In this sense, the present initiative takes advantage of the idea that is the object of Law Project nº 1.413, of 2015, by Deputy Vander Loubet (PT / MS), presented in the previous Legislature, which sought to bring new revenues so that the Unified Health System could fulfill the constitutional guidelines for comprehensive care and universal and equal access, and which, in this serious moment and in the face of the most urgent need, may provide a new source of resources to make it possible for the Health System, through the National Health Fund, to adopt the measures necessary to combat the New Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19).

In fact, the Unified Health System (SUS) relentlessly suffers the effects of the New Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), due to the increase in cases of infected citizens, the growing need for hospitalizations of patients in critical health in the units intensive treatment, insufficient protective equipment, such as masks, gloves and gel alcohol, among others, which makes it urgent to look for solutions and alternatives that bring new resources to face this very serious health crisis.

Thus, it also seeks to recover the original motivation for authorization to operate lotteries in Brazil, as set out in the initial considerations and foundations of Decree-Law No. 204, of February 27, 1967, fully applicable to the present day, in the sense of that every individual has the right to health, the State's duty to ensure it, and that “Health and Medical-Hospital Assistance Problems are a matter of national security”, which is the reason, therefore, for the express determination at the time of mandatory destination net income obtained from operating the lottery service for social applications and medical assistance.

On the other hand, this proposal does not alter and interfere with the allocation of the resources of the lotteries that already exist, which are equally fundamental for the financing of activities and programs important for Brazilian society, such as, for example, the Student Financing Program (FIES), the National Public Security Fund (FNSP), the National Culture Fund (FNC), the National Penitentiary Fund (FUNPEN), among others, in the form established by Law No. 13,756, of December 12, 2018.

Therefore, as a measure of the greatest relevance, the institution of a forecasting contest with the exclusive allocation of the proceeds of its collection to the Unified Health System, through contributions and referral by the National Health Fund, which will serve in this serious moment that we face as another source of resources, without the need to create taxes, to finance the expenses necessary to face the very serious health crisis caused by the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus in our country.

Source: GMB