SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 19:21hs.

In “World Health Day”, Intralot congratulates workers who fight against COVID-19

Today, April 7, it is celebrated the 'World Health Day' within a panorama of international pandemic where all countries join efforts to combat the coronavirus. Intralot embraces this special day and congratulates the work of nurses and health workers recognizing the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy. “A big thank you to the most valuable heroes of every country,” says the company.

Through its social networks, Intralot celebrates the "World Health Day" with a special message to all the workers of the sector in times of global pandemic. “Nursing workforce are at the forefront of COVID-19 response placing their own health at risk to save lives while providing respectful treatment and care.”

“In these unprecedented times for humanity, supporting our customers and the societies they serve, while protecting our employees and preparing for the next day is what we at Intralot feel is our duty and mission,” states the company.

“The world has changed and we are ready to further enable our customers through technology, to contribute to good causes and the reconstruction of societies hit by the pandemic, to offer reliable services and high quality products in the digital era.”

“We currently make use of technology to work efficiently from a distance and cope with the difficulties imposed by the emergency situation in many of the jurisdictions we are active in. We remain connected and as eager as ever to serve our customer needs in the best possible way in spite of disruptions that will be unavoidable. We wish everyone remain safe and follow instructions to contribute to public health and the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.”

“At Intralot, under these unparalleled circumstances, we embrace a large scale remote work scheme, so as to ensure business continuity with responsibility towards our employees, customers and society at large. We take part to the national, towards global, effort of slowing down the spread of COVID-19 by staying home.”

Source: GMB