DOM 5 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 17:02hs.
Impressive growth

Brazil ranks 7th in list of paid ad impressions for casinos and gambling

Global paid ad impressions in the casino and gambling sector are booming despite other industries experiencing major slumps amid the coronavirus pandemic. The acquired data from the adtech company Setupad shows that Brazil was the seventh country in the ranking between April 5 and May 4, with 88,578 paid casino and betting ads (only 151 in the same period of 2019). Globally, the sector grew 158.22% compared to last year. Germany had the highest number at 197,165 impressions.

An ad impression refers to a metric used to quantify the display of an advertisement on a web page. Impressions are used in online advertising, which often pays on a per-impression basis. From the data, it’s clear that the number of paid impressions in the gambling and casino sector has started to pick up.

With the shutdowns, casinos are bound to be drained of liquid resources and impact financials. Once the shutdowns are over, getting back to normal operations might take long as most casinos require a reopening strategy. The increasing number of paid ad impressions in the recent weeks might be the last move by advertisers’ effort to grow their online casinos‘ user base before land-based casinos reopen in May. Overall levels of gambling had fallen since the lockdown and advertisers might be looking for ways to attract new customers as different economies consider reopening.

The data on paid ad impressions on the casino and gambling industry was exclusively acquired from Setupad, a company that develops and operates header-bidding technology. At the moment, the company serves more than three billion ad impressions monthly.

Between April 4 and May 5, impressions of paid advertisements for casinos and gambling in Brazil were 88,578, representing a percentage difference of 58,500.9% compared to 151 impressions last year, the lowest of 2019. During this period, Germany had the highest number at 197,165 while in a similar period last year the figure stood at 63,127.

Poland came in second at 161,676 while last year the figure was 14,053. Peru occupies the third spot with 150,863 paid ad impressions while in a similar period last year the number was 298. The United Kingdom had 112,818 paid as an impression in 2020 while last year the number was 38,105. To close the top five categories is India which had 105,335 ad impressions compared to last year’s 1,288.

Between April 4 and May 5, Portugal had 97,041 paid ad impressions, representing a percentage difference of 11015.8% compared to last year’s 873 impressions. Colombia occupies the ninth spot with 56,668 ad impressions compared to last year’s 538. During the period under review, Mexico occupied the tenth spot with 43,604 paid ad impressions for 2020 while last year it was 53,224.



Paid ad impressions increase as economies consider reopening

Global paid ad impressions in the casino and gambling sector are booming despite other industries experiencing major slumps amid the coronavirus pandemic. The acquired data from the adtech company Setupad shows that between the sixteenth and eighteenth week of 2020, the average paid ad impression for the sector had a growth of 158.22% compared to a similar period last year. Paid Ad Impressions show how many advertisers were willing to pay for the Casino and Gambling industry-related ad impressions each week (W) of 2019 vs. 2020.

The data indicates that during the sixteenth week of 2020, the paid ad impressions were 292,849 while in 2019 during a similar period the figure was 110,914, a percentage change of 164.03%. By the seventeenth of 2020, the impressions increased by 32.37% from the previous week to 387,673. A year early, the number was 135,849, representing a change of 185.37%. In the eighteenth week of 2020, there was a slight drop by about 3% to 375,597 while in 2019 it was 166,742 a percentage change of 125.26%



A general overview of the data shows that in 2020 paid ad impressions the casino and gambling sector remained largely inconsistent. However, the highest ad impression for this year was in week eleven when the figure stood at 651,909. In 2019, the peak number for the impressions was in the fourth week at 696,894. The two highs represent a percentage difference of 6.45%.

This year the lowest-paid impression was in the first week when the number stood at 225,690. On the other hand, 2019’s lowest number was during week sixteen when the impressions stood at 110,914. Cumulatively, 2020’s paid ad impressions up to the eighteenth week stood at 6,409,590 while during a similar period last year, the figure was 7,012,424, a percentage difference of 8.6%.

Source:  Betzillian / Golden Casino News