VIE 19 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 04:42hs.
Federal deputy Rodrigo Coelho

"There are countless reasons to regulate casinos in Brazil"

Since he was a councilman in Joinville y then a deputy, Rodrigo Coelho -from Santa Catarina- has defended the idea of legalizing gambling in the country to end the federal government's monopoly and the black market that exists in Brazil. After discussing the project of the Minister of Tourism for the installation of casinos, Coelho expressed himself on his Instagram account with a text about the benefits of an opening of the activity that would create jobs and increase the taxes collection.

I advocate regulating casinos because we need to foster job opportunities. And how do we do that? Creating new jobs for thousands of Brazilians. Another point is tourism that would be strengthened, especially in regions close to the casinos. And there is also a significant increase in the collection of taxes, which would be advantageous for Municipalities, States and the Union itself.

This is an agenda that I have advocated since when I was Councilman in Joinville. At that time, I sent a motion to the Chamber of Deputies, approved by all councilors, demonstrating support for the legalization of casinos in Brazil.

The truth is that the Federal Government has a monopoly on gambling in the country, through the Mega Sena and other games exploited by Caixa and which move billions a year. Not to mention the jogo do bicho, which has existed for years.

Instead of fighting, why don't we fight for it? Imagine that, with regulated activity, it would be possible to expand, for example, public investments in health, education, security, and infrastructure, among other sectors.

I brought this subject up again because, a few days ago, the Minister of Tourism, Marcelo Álvaro Antônio, defended in that famous ministerial meeting published by the press, a project of resorts with casinos on Brazilian soil. Great news that shows the green light from the Ministry for the validation of this activity in Brazil.

The issue has been debated in the country for a long time. It started in 1991, when Bill 442 was presented. In 2016, the proposal was even approved by the Special Commission, but it did not go ahead.

One of the first actions as a Federal Deputy was to ask via Request, so that this Project was included in the agenda, to be voted on by us, Deputies and Senators.

Bill nº 442/1991 is a huge project, with specific and very strict rules, which prevent money laundering and guarantee the correct operation of casinos, which can only exist in integrated hotel establishments, like resorts.

Deputado Rodrigo Coelho