VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 15:08hs.
From its bingo community

Betmotion promotes social aid program in Brazil

The pandemic prompted the Betmotion Solidario program to support the ‘Mães da Favela’ social project, which is dedicated to collaborating on food and services for mothers living in favelas (low-income slum neighborhood). The site set out to allocate everything raised every day in a special game of its bingo rooms and the response of the bettors was excellent. 'There are no words to express the pride that this generates. On the second day we had already exceeded the weekly goal of R$ 5,000 (US$990),' says Luis Traversa, COO DE Betmotion.

The betting site Betmotion Brasil thanks its bingo community immensely for having engaged with the solidarity campaign in favor of the project ‘Mãe da Favela’. Its bettors helped thousands of needy families across Brazil last week after reaching the goal of R$ 5,000 (US$990). The amount was donated to the project and the receipt is available on the campaign page.

The Betmotion Solidário program emerged a few years ago with the idea of ​​collaborating with projects and institutions that were proposed in the website's Casino community. This year, the health emergency and its fast-paced development in Brazil generated a huge commotion in the work team and in the Bingo community.

From these needs, Betmotion came up with the idea of ​​economically supporting the social project ‘Mãe da Favela’, which is dedicated to collaborating with basic food baskets and services for mothers who live in favelas and face this pandemic with great difficulty.

The Betmotion Solidário campaign consists of donating to this social project the total bet for each one played daily in their special match Bingo rooms.

“We set weekly goals of R$ 5,000 (US$90) and the strength of the campaign was so great that, on the second day of launch, we have already exceeded the weekly goal. We were very pleased to see that during the games dedicated to ‘Mothers of the Favela’, the number of online players doubled and not only that, but the participants chose to make the maximum purchase of cards,” comments Luis Traversa, COO of Betmotion.

The success of this campaign is a reflection of the generosity and solidarity of Betmotion’s bingo community. “There are no words to express the pride it generates in us. We are very happy with the results generated and ready to continue working on actions to support society,” concluded Traversa.

The amount was donated to the project and the receipt is available on the campaign page. But it didn't end there. “Your collaboration is very important to help even more Brazilian families in these times of crisis. Schedule your cards right now for the Bingo Mania room, between 7pm and 8pm. With your cash bets, you are already helping the project. And, in addition, you still compete for incredible prizes!”, invites Betmotion through its social networks.

Source: GMB

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O Betmotion agradece imensamente a Comunidade de Bingo por ter se engajado com a campanha solidária em prol do projeto Mães da Favela. Vocês ajudaram milhares de famílias carentes em todo o Brasil. 🧡 Na semana passada, alcançamos a meta de R$ 5.000 graças ao apoio de vocês. O valor foi doado para o projeto e o comprovante está disponível na página da campanha. Mas não acabou por aqui, continuamos com a meta semanal. A sua colaboração é muito importante para ajudarmos ainda mais famílias brasileiras nestes tempos de crise. Agende as suas cartelas agora mesmo para a sala Bingo Mania, entre 19h e 20h. Com as suas apostas em dinheiro, você já estará ajudando o projeto. E, de quebra, ainda concorre a prêmios incríveis! Boa sorte!🧡🧡

Una publicación compartida por Betmotion! 🇧🇷 (@betmotionbr) el