JUE 25 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 05:11hs.
Plenary session

TCU suggests using Blockchain for more transparency in Lotex service

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) recommended to the Ministry of Economy the use of Blockchain as an adequate way for monitoring the provision of the Exclusive Instant Lottery (Lotex) service in Brazil. The recommendation was made unanimously by the ministers during a plenary session which deliberated, among others, on an administrative process for the “granting of public service concession by Lotex.'

TCU determined that the Ministry of Economy and the Secretariat for the Evaluation of Public Policies, Planning, Energy and Lottery (Secap) send within 60 days a plan for the treatment of regulatory risks related to the concession of Lotex.

The document, therefore, must have “the identification, analysis and the respective risk treatment plan” in this concession, such as:

"Money laundering, foreign exchange evasion and financing of terrorism, considering the recommendations established by the Financial Action Group against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (FATF) and the provisions of Law 9.613 / 1998".

The document, which should be sent to TCU, should also have notes to have “adequate quality, reasonable rates and continuity of service provision.”

Blockchain at Lotex

The concern, however, is not only about Lottery compliance or the continuity of the service of public interest, but also about the transparency of that service. And it was at this point that the TCU ministers recommended to the Ministry of Economy and Secap the adoption of technology such as Blockchain.

“Appropriate ways for monitoring the provision of Lotex services, such as the use of digital systems, tools and methods based on technologies available today, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence algorithms and the concept of big data, with a view to increase consumer confidence in the sweepstakes and prize systems.”

The idea, therefore, is for Lotex's standardization proposals to include “principles, guidelines and rules for providing the service that allow the participation and protection of consumers in this market.”

The TCU ministers then stated that this decision should be made known “to the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), the Secretariat for the Evaluation of Public Policies, Planning, Energy and Lottery (Secap) and the Partnership Program for Investments by the Presidency of the Republic (PPI).”

Proposals on the adoption of technology such as Blockchain and the use of artificial intelligence, as well as the analysis of regulatory risks will be further evaluated by SecexFinanças (Secretariat for External Finance Control).

The secretariat will analyze on “the continuity of the analyzes of the 4th stage of the granting process for the concession of the public service of Exclusive Instant Lottery (Lotex),” provided that the proposals of the TCU ministers are fulfilled.

Source: GMB / Portal do Bitcoin