MAR 23 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 22:27hs.
Among other projects

Plenary may vote on Bill that allocates 5% of lottery to Brazil’s National Health Fund

Today's Plenary agenda includes Bill 3042/20, which aims to give Brazil’s National Health Fund (FNS) more resources during the state of public calamity resulting from the pandemic of the new coronavirus. The project allocates 5% of all revenue from the sale of numeric lottery tickets (such as Mega-Sena and Quina), Loteria Federal and Lotex (scratch cards), all operated by Caixa Econômica Federal. Other Bills related to the COVID-19 crisis can also be voted on.

According to Bill 3042/20, the 5% collected by the FNS will be subtracted from the percentage collected from the bets that are currently used to pay the prizes and the Income Tax that is levied on the prizes. For example: currently, 65% of the amount collected from the sale of scratch cards is directed to the prize and the IR. The project reduces this percentage to 60%.

The FNS is the financial manager of resources destined to the Unified Health System (SUS).


The Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies can also vote on a proposal (Bill 2824/20) that provides for measures to help the Brazilian sports sector while the social isolation or quarantine measures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic are in force.

The author of the text, deputy Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE), asked yesterday that the vote on the text should no longer be postponed. “The sports sector is always the last in line. I want to ask anyone who recognizes the values ​​of sport in Brazil and the entire Brazilian sports community: respect the sport! Sport is in a hurry,” he said.

One of the planned actions automatically extends, for one year, the deadlines for the application of resources for sports activities and the respective rendering of accounts, in the case of projects already approved by the federal government.

The text also suspends the payment of tax debts with the Union for a year that operates in the sports sector for one year, provided that its annual gross revenue is less than R$ 4.8 million. The debts are paid in 12 installments from the 13th month.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias