VIE 26 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 09:41hs.
Reinvention of the classic forum

Trader Danilo Pereira launches Arena + EV, a multi-purpose space for bettors

Arena + EV is a combination of everything that trader Danilo Pereira went through and lived within more than 13 years as a bettor. In addition to offering efficient gamefication, the platform is a place where users have access to everything from evolving technically to creating networks. 'My journey and learning comes from international / national forums to technical debates, learning and tournament disputes,' says Pereira.

The Arena + EV project gives the bettor a new home, a place where he has access to everything, from technically evolving to creating a lot of networks, playing championships and having de chance to show itself in the world of betting. “My intention was to give the Brazilian sports betting scene a unique place, where you can have access to everything,” explains Danilo Pereira, the owner product.

“We have a very efficient gamefication. The bettor unlocks levels according to his interaction with the forum. The more you post, you earn + EV points that are translated into prizes. There are immense amounts of prize pools and exclusive tournaments,” he reveals.


In addition, the website, which was launched on July 3, had more than two thousand records in 24 hours, thousands of messages and more than 30 countries already registered. Very soon, the platform will gain an integration technology making a function of launching the bettor's profile, working as a kind of Blogabet.

The Arena reinvents elements of a classic forum, bringing the nostalgia of those who have already experienced it, and at the same time puts the bettor with numerous new features, as it is all part of gamefication where he can unlock secret forums to get access to the most professional picks possible.

Source: GMB