JUE 2 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 17:29hs.
With Lotterywest

Intralot signs contract extension in Australia until 2026

Intralot announces that its subsidiary Intralot Australia, has signed an extension of its contract with its current client Lotterywest, the State Lottery in Western Australia from January 2022 till January 2026 through annual extensions. “This extension represents the confidence on Intralot’s lottery technology, systems and support,” comments firm’s CEO Marios Mitromaras.

Intralot Australia will continue to provide its lottery operating system and services for the operation of Lotterywest.

The extension of the partnership is an endorsement of Intralot Australia’s successful implementation of its LOTOS open architecture platform and advanced retail terminals that drive player engagement.

For the last 13 years, Intralot Australia enables Lotterywest to establish a responsible gaming environment and fulfill its purpose in contributing to good causes for the Western Australians’ community.

Marios Mitromaras, Intralot Australia CEO stated: “We are proud to extend our strong and solid collaboration with Lotterywest, an esteemed Lottery Operator with extreme contribution to the West Australian society.”

"This extension represents the confidence on Intralot’s lottery technology, systems and support,” Mitromaras added.

Source: GMB