DOM 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 20:32hs.
Official announcement

Dani Feitosa and Vitor Fernandes, new streamers of FURIA and PokerStars partnership

FURIA and PokerStars are back to stirring up the Brazilian poker community with a new announcement. Now, the partnership between the eSports organization and the largest poker site in the world has announced new streamers, the pair Dani Feitos and Vitor Fernandes. The official announcement was made by hosts Rafael Moraes and Lali Tournier, the first two announced in this deal, on star's Twitch channel, which held a home game congratulating the new streamers.

This content is produced in partnership with SuperPoker.

On social networks, the eSports team published: “The FURIA Poker family has grown. Welcome, Dani Feitosa and Vitor Fernandes”.

Dani posted on his social networks. "Let's go! It is an honor to be part of this family! A new challenge!” Vitor also celebrated. “That's it, guys! Now Belão is also FURIA.”

The official announcement was made by hosts Rafael Moraes and Lali Tournier, the first two announced in this partnership, on the star's Twitch channel, which held a home game congratulating the new streamers.