DOM 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 22:42hs.
Unprecedented tournament

Sports betting app Wanna holds first Cup among bettors in market history

The Wanna Cup ended last week, another innovation of the sports betting app Wanna. First competition between bettors in the history of the market, brought together professionals Fábio Bampi, Nettuno, and Danilo Martins, from Quero Bet. With the role of technicians, they formed teams with 8 users of the application each, who competed in duels between bettors of the modalities Punter and Trader.

“Punters are bettors who perform analysis and bets before the event, while traders make trades during matches, profiting from the variation in prices. There was always rivalry between the modalities over who would be the best. We decided to put that to the test,” says Allison Santos, Brand Strategy Consultant.

Putting users to bet against each other is an exclusive feature of the Wanna app. While on other sports betting platforms the user chooses ready-made bets created by the betting sites and websites themselves, on Wanna, interaction between users is the key to the business and is what made the Wanna Cup possible.

“After selecting the team, the coaches decided the day before the confrontations which participant on their team would face the opponent's member, making the competition more dynamic and unpredictable, the choice of games and bets were left to the participants. With each round of playoff in best of 3, there was an elimination and we were funneling. The big winner of the first Wanna Cup was the user Alisson Cruz,” says Santos.


Participating in a championship like this, even more being the first, is a very special feeling. I'm still incredulous with the victory. I am very happy. I hope there is a new championship,” says Cruz about his experience.

His coach, the professional bettor Danilo Martins, complements. “I was very happy to see someone on my team winning and, of course, to see the Punters beat the Traders. There was a very strong union between the participants. As a coach, I showed the boys where they were going wrong and how to adjust their bets, in a very positive exchange,” says Danilo, also looking forward to a new edition of the event.

If it depends on Wanna, this will be the first of many Cups. Not only is there no doubt that the new competition format, mixing sports bets, community, and entertainment among friends, worked, but the event reflects the passion for sport and the spirit of the app. “We did not expect such repercussions. Our intention with the app has always been to unite and entertain the community in a unique way and the Cup was one of the ways we found to do this. We received an extremely positive feedback, and we are excited for an upcoming edition,” concludes Santos.

About Wanna

Wanna is a sports betting platform that promotes the community and gives players the power to test their sports knowledge in a competitive environment, while having fun and having a safe experience. It provides a space for sports fans to interact with each other, be entertained and resolve their differences with a friendly bet. “We want to connect real people and share experiences, eliminating the stigma surrounding the sports betting industry,” defines the platform.

Source: GMB